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Toby's pov .......

Did I just hear right?

Do my brothers want me to be in the band I couldn't BELIVE it my dream was comming true

I was so shock about it that I didn't realize I was frozen until Connor snapped me out of my thoughts

Hello earth to toby are ya there?

I tried to act natural

Oh yea I was just thinking you know

Riley's like

So bro what you think you in the band

I answered right away

'Yes of course I'm in the band and next thing I knew everyone was hugging me except one person my sister Rosie and she wasn't there anymore ?

Rosie's pov

I was really happy for toby I mean he basically has told me all about him wanting to be In the band but it was too much to process! I just had thought running through my head that I just ran to my room and sat down on my bed thinking

I grabbed my phone and put it to charge I had Connors 3GS ik right everyone had the 4 or 4s but I really didn't mind!

I kept thinking like

What if toby goes on tour he's not going to school with me anymore

What if I don't see my brothers that much anymore

I didnt realized that I was crying until I felt a strong pair of hand on my shoulders I didnt want to look because I knew it was toby and I was right

Why are you crying aren't you happy for me?

I - I am toby but it's just that I kinda got lost In my world with a bunch of thoughts and I just I'm sorry I don't know what got in to me

Rosie look if you think I'm gonna leave you your wrong because your my sister an I will always be here no matter what no matter if I go on tour I'm still going to keep in touch ok

After that we pretty much just went downstairs and we got into the car an drove off to the venue

Toby wasn't playing in this one because he wasn't there for practice all week but he will from now on I was actually pretty happy for him

We got in the car an riley drove because con gets to lazy to drive!

Riley can we drive by starbucks??

Already ahead of you rose

We took like 5 mins to get to starbucks we got in and the boys pulled up to order I stood behind and I orderd my and con offered to pay but I kinda refused until he convinced me and told the barrista what I wanted and she asked me for my name is I said rosie and apparently she heard Josie cause that what she put on the cup

I mentally slapped my head and cursed and con looked at me and I apologized con hates it when I say a bad word it pisses him off!

After that we got to the venue and i basically just chilled in the dressing room on twitter while the boys did Soundcheck I tweeted

@rosiemcdonough - chilling with toby because were too cool for the other boys!

I tweeted some people and then James came in and he's the security and your manager for the boys!

We talked about toby now being in the band and I pretty much just sat down for half of the time by the time con and Ri came in and we left home!

It was Christmas Eve and I was really happy I love christmas I had gonna chrismas shopping last week for everyone!

We got home and mom and dad were cooking well mom was cooking dad was in the living room

Hey dad

Daughter how was the show

It was really fun I liked it

After that I went to help mom with cooking after that I just went to change I changed to a red cute flowy dress with some red toms and I curled my hair and put a bow at the back I did my neutral makeup grabbed my phone and went downstairss

Riley's pov

Me and the guys were hearing some Christmas music when my sis came in and she looked beautiful if she wasn't my sister I'd date her I haven't really found the perfect girl but I have a feeling soon

We preety much ate Dinner and then just talked about all the events and I'm preety excited about what mom and dad are gonna tell toby and rosie tommarow morning!

Rosie pov

It was about 10:00 pm when we did that's tradition where we open one present and there actually pjs and so we got our presents and I opened mine I got a pink short sleeve shirt with pink and purple plaid pants and they looked preety comfy!

Connor got a green shirt and green plaid !

Ri got a red shirt and pants

Toby got blue bottoms with a blue top (lucky)

I said my Goodniight and I got ready you know basics brush teeth remove make up and then I grabbed my phone and tweeted

@rosiemcdonough- had an amazing Christmas Eve with the family! 💕 Christmas tommarow! Goodniight

And with that I fell asleep preety comfy!

Authors note

Hey guys what you guys think I will be doing 2 chapters a day since I'm in spring break whoo well comment and vote and tell me if you wanna be featured in the storie!

Twitter - @rosiemcdonough

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