Card games and just some fucking angst

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The summer was coming to a close, and all the campers were going home, which means David was going to be doing a lot of crying. He watched with tear filled eyes as one by one, the parents of his campers came and picked them up until the only people left at Camp Campbell were him, Gwen, and Max. They sat at the entrance of the camp, David and Gwen were talking, while Max sat and played games on his phone.

Time passed but still, there was no sign of Max's parents, so they moved into the mess hall and decided to play a board game to pass the time.

Gwen opened a cupboard and started looking through it. "Okay, so we've got Scrabble, Monopoly, Twister- no, we're not playing that. Uhh there's Boggle, Pictionary... there's a pack of Uno cards here was well, what do you guys wanna play?"

"Pictionary is fun!" said David

"Yeah but we don't have enough people for that, idiot" retorted Max

"Oh, you're right... well, maybe we could get the quartermaster to-"

"NO" Max and Gwen responded in unison. After a few minutes of arguing and negotiation, they finally settled on playing Uno.


Gwen had five cards left, David had two, and now it was Max's turn.

"SUCK A DICK DAVID" Max shouted as he slammed a draw-four card onto the top of the pile, a massive grin plastered across his face. David sighed.

"Gwen, I'm sorry about this," he apologised, smirking slightly, "UNO!" he announced, placing down another draw-four card, leaving Gwen to pick up eight.

"What do you... oh no," she groaned, seeing what he'd put down. She placed her head in her hands as Max laughed loudly. She glared at him and his grin grew wider.

It was now Max's turn again, and he contemplated his cards as Gwen slowly started to pick up the ones she had just been forced to draw. "Hey David, what colour are you making it,"

"Oh! Uh... red," he responded


They continued playing, and David ended up winning that game. Then they played it again, then a few more times, they ended up playing for a couple hours, when Gwen noticed the time.

She stood up. "Okay guys, this is taking way too long, I'm gonna go call Max's parents and find out what's taking them so long to get here," she said and started to walk off. David nodded.

As she said that, he noticed Max tense up.

"It's alright, Max!" reassured David, as he placed his hand on the young camper's shoulder, "I'm sure your parents just ran into some traffic or got a bit lost on the way here! Why, when I first started working here, I'd lose my way on the winding roads through the forest all the-"

"David shut the fuck up,"

"Hey, Language,"

Max pushed away David's hand, and let out an exasperated sigh. "It's been HOURS already. If they were gonna come pick me up, they'd already fucking be here. Hell, I'd rather they never come, I don't want to have to see their piece of shit faces ever again!"

"Max!" David said, "You shouldn't say those sorts of things about them! Your parents-"

"What the FUCK would you know?!" Max shouted. Standing up, he slung his backpack over his shoulder, shot David an angry glare, and ran out the doors of the mess hall.

Gwen paced around the counsellors' cabin, her phone in one hand, and Max's emergency contact information in the other. The dial up tone rang for what felt like the millionth time, before going to voicemail. Again. This was ridiculous, they don't come pick him up, and then they don't answer the phone? She hoped nothing happened to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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