♡ you're so cool!

Start from the beginning

It wasn't long until you heard the words "bunny" and "doll" from a certain direction that you made run to the voice.

". . .Who else would bring a stuffed bunny doll to school, Takashi?"


You turned a corner, and to your horror, you saw your rabbit doll. . .

. . .in the arms of your rival, Mitsukuni Haninozuka. His cousin, Takashi Morinozuka, stood protectively beside him.

"P-P-P," you stuttered but couldn't utter a word as you were in shock.

Shot! Out of all the people who could find her, it had to be Mitsukuni!

Despite being rivals of competing karate dojos, you and Mitsukuni, or "Honey" to most people, the two of you got along swimmingly. Other than not finding any reason to participate in the silly, ancient feud between your families, you shared a lot of similarities, unbeknownst to Mitsukuni; you both love sweets and cute stuff. But while Mitsukuni was previously shamed by his family for his likes until he defended himself and made them accept that that's who he is (a Lolita boy), your own family encouraged you to be more open and in touch with your "cute" side while you felt ashamed to have such likes as the heiress of a powerful clan.

Besides, you like how Mitsukuni compliments your "coolness" and how awesomely strong you are, so you feared that he would also be ashamed of your "cute" side if he were to see your rabbit doll.

"(F/n)!~" Mitsukuni happily greeted you. He showed you your rabbit doll in one hand while his own rabbit doll, Usa-chan, in the other hand. "Look, look! Usa-chan found a new friend!~"

You scratched the back of your head as you tried to keep your cool. It was hard though if all you wanted to do is take your doll and blast away to cry in the corner. "Tha-" you cleared your throat "-That's great, Mitsukuni."

The Lolita nodded. "Yup!" He suddenly frowned. "But Usa-chan's friend was found just lying here on the floor."

You clenched your fists. Oh God, I'm so sorry, Pyon-chan, you thought to your rabbit doll. I'm sorry for being so careless. . .

Mitsukuni continued to talk. "There's no sign of ownership on Usa-chan's friend, so me and Takashi are going to find Usa-chan's friend's owner now." He smiles cutely at you, making you feel so ashamed and scared that your secret was right in the hands of the person who admired you the most of being so "cool." "Do you want to help us, (F/n)?~ I think with super cool (F/n), we'll be able to-"

You bursted out crying at "super cool (F/n)," making Mitsukuni and Takashi's eyes widen in shock.

"U-Usa-chan's friend. . .is m-mine," you admitted through your tears. "H-H-Her name is 'Pyon-chan. . .'" You blocked your face with your hands as you crumpled to the floor, the shame and fear clouding your senses. "I-I'm so sorry, M-Mitsukuni, I-I-I'm so sorry!"

You felt a pat on your head. "What are you sorry for, (F/n)? Are you ashamed that I found out about Pyon-chan?" your rival gently asked.

You silently nodded.

Mitsukuni's arms now wrapped around your neck as you continued to cry harder.

"(F/n), it's okie," he started. "There's nothing wrong with having a stuffed bunny doll still. I have Usa-chan myself, and I bring him to school everyday!" Mitsukuni ran a hand through your hair to calm you down. "My view of you will never change, if that's what you're really worried about, (F/n)."

Through your hiccups, finally, you responded: "B-But it's not-so 'super cool' to bring your rabbit doll to school after a n-nightmare." You slowly wrapped your arms around Mitsukuni. "I-I-I always want to remain 'super cool' to you, Mitsukuni."

Without you knowing it, the Lolita blushed lightly. "You're so super cool, (F/n)" – he squeezed you adoringly with a huge smile on his face – "because you are you. You like cute stuff because you like cute stuff."

Your eyes widened in shook as a series of butterflies burst in your stomach. I'm super cool. . .because I'm me. . . You also lightly blushed at Mitsukuni's heartwarming reassurance. Mitsukuni is way more cooler than me for accepting me for who I am.

He pulled away from you and took your guys' rabbit dolls from Takashi, who gave the two of you a small smile. Mitsukuni then returned Pyon-chan to you.

"So, hello, Pyon-chan!~" he greeted your doll while waving one of the arms of Usa-chan as a wave. "I'm Mitsukuni, and this is Usa-chan!"

You sniffed away your remaining tears and also waved Pyon-chan's arms. "Pyon-chan says hi as well," you giggled. "And she thanks the two of you for taking care of her when I was away."

"Ah, no problem, Pyon-chan!~" Mitsukuni giggled as well.

And though it may seem not cool to outsiders that two third-years were still sitting on the floor while playing with rabbit dolls like little kids, it was the coolest day to you.

Because you have finally come accept that you are super cool being who you are.

— 🐇 —

"The coolest thing you could ever do in your life is being who you are."


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