Chapter 2

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"Wait, I almost forgot." Gru said, just as they were walking away. "Our daughters. We can't just leave them on such short notice. We need to find someone for them to stay with."

"Don't worry. I'll send one of our agents over to your house to watch them." Valerie said. "They know Emily Collins, right?"

They both nodded, and felt much more relieved. They trusted Emily, and the girls adored her!

"We should call them and let them know what's going on." Lucy said to Gru. He nodded, and pulled out his phone.

"Hey, Jerry," he said to the minion that had answered the phone. "Can you wake up the girls? We need to talk to them."

They heard some shuffling for a couple of minutes while Jerry woke up the girls, and then they heard Margo's groggy voice.


"Hey, sweetie." Gru replied. "We're sorry that we had to wake you, but we needed you to know that we aren't going to be back for a little while."

"We just got a new case." Lucy stepped in. "And, it's going to take awhile."

"Oh, ok." Margo said, still exhausted.

"But, we wanted to tell you that Emily's headed over there, and she's going to watch all of you." Gru continued.

"Ok." Margo replied. Do you know when you'll be back?"

"We don't." Lucy said. "Sorry, honey."

"It's ok." She replied.

"You girls can go back to sleep now. We just wanted to keep you updated." Gru said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." She echoed back, and hung up.

The couple both looked at each other, then strode off towards the ship that awaited them.

Agnes woke the next morning, and saw that her sisters were both already awake and bustling around the room. She stretched, and woke up her pet goat. He happily licked her face, and jumped out of the bed.

"Emily's here, already." Margo said. She had already finished getting dressed, and was brushing her hair.

Agnes recalled the conversation that had occurred late last night. She excitedly started getting dressed.

"I can't wait!" She squealed.

"I know, r

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