Chapter 13: Her new bestfriend?

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Today I woke up at 9:00, I went downstairs to see mom making pancakes. I sat on the stool and poured myself some orange juice. Mom was dishing up breakfast when the boys came rushing down the stairs like elephants for breakfast to see I was already down there and already eating they all gave me a dirty look as they now have to wait😂

I was getting ready and my phone went off it was one of my closest friend

Lunaaaa💯🌏😻: hey girl haven't talked forever wanna catch up babes.
Kenssss🔥😻💕🌏: omg hey ikr ye drop by my house babes.
Lunaaaa💯🌏😻: okay how does noon sound babes.
Kenssss🔥😻💕🌏: sounds good see u in an hour babes.

After that she didn't text back so I got ready I wore

I just finished getting dressed when the doorbell went, I went downstairs and saw Luna there, I opened the door and she jumped on me and gave me a hug

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I just finished getting dressed when the doorbell went, I went downstairs and saw Luna there, I opened the door and she jumped on me and gave me a hug. We was in my room when Luna asked about a person I didn't want to talk about.

"So I heard Mia's moved to Australia"-Luna asked
"Yeah how do you know"-I replied
"Her instagram you should look what she put"-Luna told me

I looked on her instagram to see a picture of her in Australia and one of her and another girl

I looked on her instagram to see a picture of her in Australia and one of her and another girl

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xxmiaxx: new country, new life, new bestfriend🔥🔥🔥

My mom walked in just as we was looking at Mia's instagram
"Have you heard anything from Mia" my mom asked
"No but look what Luna saw on her instagram" I told my mom
"Oh wow at least you two have each other" my mom said positively
"Anyway let's ignore that and focus on the present"Luna said
"I've missed your positive speeches Luna" mom said
"Missed you two Mrs Dallas"-Luna said
"Want to stay tonight Luna, Lexi could do with some company" mom asked
"Yes please Mrs Dallas, I'll text my mom now"-Luna said
"Oh don't worry, I'm going out tonight to catch up with her I'll tell her then" mom said
"Thankyou"-Luna said

We got all of her stuff and put it in my room. Were going out tonight so Luna came on a good day.

We are currently walking around LA when Luna suggested to take some pictures.

KensDallas: my new bestfriend is better than yours🔥💕😻😘😘 @LunaBlaiseLunaBlaise: that's right you tell them baby🌏🔥💕😻😘 @KensDallasKuxsisbae:QUEENSSS😻😻😻😻😻😻BabyAriel:you two slay my life!!😻🔥KensDallas:@BabyAriel you slay my life 😻😻 ...

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KensDallas: my new bestfriend is better than yours🔥💕😻😘😘 @LunaBlaise
LunaBlaise: that's right you tell them baby🌏🔥💕😻😘 @KensDallas
BabyAriel:you two slay my life!!😻🔥
KensDallas:@BabyAriel you slay my life 😻😻 woiii have you seen your self🔥🔥🔥

We are still walking around LA, when Hunter calls me over
"Hey I know you are really upset about Mia moving after all she was your bestfriend"-Hunter said
"Hey I'm upset but not that much as she doesn't really care and I'm surrounded by positive people and your one of them" I told him
"Awww thank you just thought I'd check on you"-Hunter told me
"Thank you Hunter I really appreciate that" I said to him

Once I finished talking to Hunter, I walked back over to Luna and she had a smirk on her face
"What's the smirk for?"-I asked
"Oh nothing what did u say too him once he asked how you was feeling"-Luna asked
"I said I'm upset but not that much and that I'm surrounded by positive people and your one of them" I told her
"Awww cute"-Luna said

We haven't long got home and me and Luna are sitting in the kitchen eating cookie dough ice cream singing last text Jacob kind of hates us right now but we don't care

Oh I forgot to tell you Jacob came to visit.

"Guys shut up" Jacob yells from the kitchen
"No" me and Luna yell back

About 5 minutes later
"Guys I'm going to bed anyone coming" Jacob asked
"Yeah one sec bro" Brandon shouts coming in to get a bottle of water
"Get me one please" Jacob begged

It has now been 30-40 minutes since Jacob and Brandon went to bed, i was getting really tired as well and Luna was nearly falling asleep on the sofa
"Guys me and Luna are going to go to bed see you in the morning" I said
I heard a bunch of "nights" and "good nights"

We got changed into our pyjamas and fell asleep as soon as we got into bed.

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