Chapter 22

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It's finally Friday which means I have a date that I really don't want to go to. It's not really what I need right now. It's been a hectic week, with the baby, going to school and everybody talking about the dance and the football game since it's next Friday.

I groan to myself. David is a really good guy from what I can tell. I don't want to hurt him and especially don't want to lead him on. I'm gonna tell him first thing that I don't like him like that and only want to be friends. I like Shane. Its always been Shane and sooner or later he'll know how I feel.

As soon as I'm done getting ready, I walk downstairs. Breakfast is already made and I eat that stuff like it's my life. When I've finished I wait patiently on my doorstep for Sarah. I couldn't ride with Shane. I felt like I was betraying him in some way.

Sarah beeps all the way to my driveway. I roll my eyes at her but laugh anyway.

"Ready for your big date tonight?" She asks

I groan again. "No. Sarah I don't know why you butted in. You agreed to something I don't want to do."

"Grace, come on, are you gonna wait for Shane forever? You two are so stupid. You're a senior and have never been kissed or even had a boyfriend. Don't you think it's time for you to finally know what that's like."

I cross my arms. "So what? Yeah I haven't kissed a boy or done anything but the time will come when that stuff happens. And it should happen with a guy I like. Davids not that guy."

Sarah doesn't respond until she parks. "I admire you Grace, tell David how you feel and you're right things will happen eventually." She grabs her bag then gets out. I follow her and link my arms with hers as we enter the school.

"Now" she says "you're coming with me to let Jay know that I will continue helping him in his art projects."

I frown. "Why do I have to go? Can't you just tell him yourself. Look I feel like-"

"No you have to come with me!" She grabs my arms digging her nails in my skin. "Please!"

"Ow" I pull my arm away. "Okay I'll go with you"

Satisfied with my answer we make our way to the art room. Jay is sitting in the middle of the room staring at a white canvas. He has a paintbrush in hand and dried paint on the table next to him.

"Go up to him" I whisper

Sarah shakes her head. "Never mind. I changed my mind. Let's go!" She whispers back.

I smile evilly. "Oh no, you're not going anywhere." I grab her arm, holding as tight as I can and I drag her all the way to Jay.

"Hey" I say getting his attention.

He turns around in his seat. Surprised his eyes widen as he looks at Sarah. She blushes, pulling her arm away from me.

"This girl" I point to Sarah "wants to talk to you. I will be going to class now." I speed walk to the door "bye!"

I laugh to myself. That's what she gets for agreeing to my date. Besides anyone can tell those two like each other their attraction is like two magnets that can't be separated.

As I'm walking to class I bump into Cam, Shane's best guy friend.

"Hi Grace! I haven't seen you around for a while."

"I've just been busy" I say "what about you?"

He shrugs. "You know the usual. Football, school" he pauses "girls."

I roll my eyes. "Where's Shane?"

"He's with Camille. You know they're always together.  They might as well date already."

My hands start to shake. "Why do you say that? Shane and I are always together."

"Yeah" he scratches his neck "but you two are best friends. It's not like you guys like each other? Or you like him. Right?"

I stare at him. If only you knew Cam. If only you knew. "Right" I say "I'll see you later."

I don't wait for him to say anything I just walk away.


"Let's go out to eat tonight."

I bite my lip. "I can't Shane. I already have something going on."

"Then just cancel your plans and make plans with me." He grins tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Shane if I canceled plans with you and made plans with someone else, you wouldn't like that very much so I'm not gonna do that."

He intertwined our fingers. "Next weekend you can't say no to me."

I smile. "That's because next weekend is the dance you idiot!" I smack his chest with my free hand.

"A dance that I'll be at with you" His eyes sparkle.

I grin. "You know it's usually the girl being excited for the dance and not the guy but if you're excited too, I'll take it."

Sarah runs out of the school a huge smile on her face. As soon as she reaches us, Shane whistles.

"What are you smiling about?" He asks her

"None of your business."

"It's about time you guys made up, I'm glad you agreed to help him."

She beams. "He also asked me to the dance and I said yes."

"Wait" Shane steps in between us. "So this whole ordeal is about a guy asking our very own Sarah to the dance?"

Sarah rolls her eyes. "Fine laugh at me whatever"

"Oh you should have seen him earlier, he was all happy and excited talking to me about the dance" I say

Shane blushes.

"Ha!" Sarah laughs. "She totally burned you!" She pulls out her phone checking the time. She raises her gaze. "It's time" she mouths.

I nod. "See you later Shane!"

"See you just let me know if you change your mind. We can still go out tonight."

I nod at him then walk to the car with Sarah.

"He asked you to eat with him tonight?"

I nod buckling myself in. "He told me to cancel my plans and go out to eat with him instead."

Sarah sighs. "Look just set things straight with David. Then you won't have to worry about him." She switches gears. "Ready?"

I bite my lip nodding my head. "Ready"

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