My Bully {rated R} mindless behavior love story part 23

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Jacob pov

I had woke up that morning feeling horrible without Mickey by my side, my phone had started ringing, I was hoping it was Mickeyah but I had looked and it was Celeste so I had answered the phone

Phone comvo📱

Celeste:hey Jakey

Jacob:hey Celeste wassup

Celeste:nun much but um me and Keke are going to see ride along wanna come?

Jacob:sure i'll come, what time?

Celeste:'round about 1:16

Jacob:ok I'll see you then

Phone convo over

I had turned around and looked at my clock and it was 11:59, I was gonna wait till 12:45 to get dressed but fuck it I got places to be, I had went into my bathroom, stripped my clothes and hopped in the shower, 10 minutes later I got out dressed made sure I smelled good, I had left out of my car and headed downtown

Mickey's pov

I had woke up to jr jumpin on my bed

Jr:mommy mommy, wake up

Mickey:yes baby?

Jr:auntie keke callin you *hands her the phone*

Phone convo


Keke: hey Mickey

Mickey:hey keke wassup

keke:oh nothing much, me and celeste is going to see a movie wanna come?

Mickey:sure what movie yall going to see?

Keke:we going to see ride along 

Mickey:oh then sure ill come, just lemme go get dressed

Keke:ok bye

Phone convo over 

I had hung up the phone and called Jr. to my room


Jr:yes mommy?

Mickey:do you wanna go over grandma's?

Jr:Hell yah!

Mickey:what did you just say?

Jr:i said heck yah

Mickey:mhm, whatever now go get dressed

Jr:ok mommy 

keke's pov

i had got off the phone and slowley looked at celeste with a death stare


Keke:you so dirty

Celeste:what i do

Keke:you putting my brother back with Mickeyah

Celeste:and, you act like Jacob is the victim 

Keke:no i do not

Celeste:well it damn sho sound like it 

Keke:ok whatever

Celeste:my point exactly, he cheated on her with Leah and Mickey is just innocent 

Keke:i know i know, but thats my brother so you know how i feel

Celeste: i know, i lost my brother 2 years ago by cheating on this girl, so i know exactly hoe you feel, but anyways lets get to Monaco

My bully {rated R} mindless behavior love storyWhere stories live. Discover now