Song #5: Now That I Have You

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All my desires are here on the table
You lift me higher than they are able
All of the things that I chased before I met you
Don't mean a thing now that I have you

Rain in the desert, fruit on the trees
Your love is better, brings me to my knees
All of the things that I chased before I met you
Don't mean a thing now that I have you

You meet my hunger like nothing on earth that I know
Your love is better, much better than gold
Your living water, I'll never be thirsty again
Now that you are my dearest friend. 

Oh. God in satisfy
You are my daily the choicest of wines
All of the things that I chased before I met you 
Don't mean a thing now that I have you

You satisfy me like nothing on this earth
Oh, like nothing on this earth. 

You satisfy me life nothing on this earth
Oh, like nothing on this earth 
Oh, you satisfy
Yeah, you satisfy

© Elisabeth Kitzing /album: Change My Mind, 

What I was thinking about as I wrote this song:

I had to come to a point where my faith was not just in my head – something I said. I had to lay all the cards on the table: my dreams; my hopes; my longings; my fears, etc. When I finally did that, I found peace of mind.

There are a lot of good things in life that bring us pleasure/purpose. But these are fleeting in nature. If you are one of those who feels that there is an existential black hole in your heart that nothing seems to fill, I have good news for you. There is a God that is loving, personal and satisfies the soul! 

Letting go and letting God is not easy. I wanted so much to control everything in my life until I let go. But He showed himself to be greater than everything including my needs, my problems and my failures. He sees the greater picture that I cannot comprehend. He is loving and in my life He has shown, time and time again that He provides.

As a matter of fact, I have found that when I stop chasing what I want and chase Him instead, what I need chases me!

That's where the satisfaction came into my life. I know now, for sure, that I don't have to chase happiness anymore. I don't have to chase fame or prove anything to anyone anymore. I can just rest in that I am already loved, that I already have a purpose, that I am already valuable without lifting a single finger.

Two times in my life, God has been so close to me that I've had to lay on the floor and I could barely breathe under the weight of the peace and the love that moved back and forth over me. When I stood up again, my soul was full to the brim. He satisfies....

Photo: Elisabeth Kitzing

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Photo: Elisabeth Kitzing

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