✨burning desire ✨

Start from the beginning

"You look so cute in my shirt," he said in a deep low voice right next to my ear. His breath sent shivers down my spine. I immediately gripped the collar of his shirt falling deeper into my little space.

"You'd look so cute without a shirt," I whispered on accident. Dang it! I was suppose to say that in my head. Good going gee.

Frank smirked, "Hmm. What was that?"

A light shade of pink tented my cheeks. I lightly smacked Frank's chest, "S-shut up."

Frank grabbed both of my hands and held them down on the kitchen counter next to my thighs, "Is that a nice way to talk me, baby boy."

"No, d-daddy. I'm sorry," I felt my cheeks heat up more when I realized what I called him daddy. What is he going to say? Is he going to kink shame me? Will he ask me to leave?

"Say it again," Frank demanded in his amazingly sexy voice. He began to kiss up my jawline.

"Da-addy," I choked on my moan.

"Fuck Gee you have no idea what you do to me," Frank said breathlessly.

Then he crashed our lips together. I jumped in surprise, but melted into the kiss. His hands let go of my hands. My arms wrapped around his neck bringing him even closer to me. I heard the toaster pop, but I didn't feel hungry anymore. The only hunger I felt was for Frank's touch.

Frank deepened the kiss. I happily let his tongue slip past my lips. Frank's kiss turned from slow and sweet to rough and needy. He started to kiss me rougher and rougher, and I kissed him back with just as much passion. One of his hands rested on my naked thigh while the other gripped my side.

I let a soft moan escaped my lips as his hand which was on my thigh traveled up my thigh. His hand slipped under my shirt. He touched my bare stomach and pushed against me even more. I couldn't help, but think about the last time I was touched this intimately. At Hayley's house in his room.

Tears began to stream down my face and Frank pulled away. His hands left my body along with his lips, "Baby what wrong? Did I go to far? Gee, I'm so sorry I didn't-"

"N-no," I interrupted. I choked on a sob, "It's not you. It's- It's-"

I couldn't tell him. I have to though. I can't stand having no one to talk to about this. I need to tell someone. I have to tell someone.

"Gerard," Frank cupped my cheek and brushed one of my tears away with his thumb, "you can trust me. You can tell me."

I nodded shutting my eyes tightly, "I-I want to Frankie, but I don't know how. I don't want you to hate me! It wasn't my fault! I-I didn't want to-"

"Gee," Frank interrupted me, "look at me."

I opened my eyes slowly. I was met with his serious expression. I wanted to look away, but I wouldn't let myself.

"I could never ever ever hate you, alright. I hate to see you in so much pain, so please tell me what's wrong so I can fix it," Franks said. I could feel the desperation in his voice.

I nodded, "I met a girl. She was nice and we went to this tree house and talked. Then she had to go home to eat dinner. She said I could come with her if I wanted, so I did. That's- that's w-when I- um," I closed my eyes trying to avoid tears spilling.

"It's okay baby. I won't judge you," He reassured me.

"Her um step brother turned out to be J-josh," I said.

"The one from online?" Frank asked trying to keep his voice kind, but struggling. His aura changed. He tightened up a bit and gritted his teeth.

I nodded, "I went to talk to him and he- he said t-that he wanted to show me some-something," a few tears ran down my cheeks. I felt Frank's intense stare on me eager to hear more. He put his hand on top of mine for reassurance, "So I-I went to his room and he- he- he- touched me! I told him no, b-but-"

I burst into tears and Frank hugged me tightly, "Shh, baby it's okay," he ran soft circle patterns along my back to attempt to calm me down.

"N-no it's not! I-I told him to stop and he- he didn't. If I tried harder or screamed or something! I could've done something. It's all my fault," I said sobbing.

Frank hugged me tighter, "No, Gee, baby, it isn't your fault, okay? Don't blame yourself okay?"

I nodded the best to my ability since my head was buried in his chest. He pulled away from the hug and kissed my tear stained cheek. He grabbed my hand and led me to the living room couch. We both laid down a cuddled. I felt so relived knowing Frank knew which made it much easier to fall asleep.


I don't know if I want to write hardcore fluff or hardcore smut.. decisions decisions

also I changed all chapter names to lana del rey songs so yeah

fin/published: 8/13/17 10:56pm

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