"Are you warm enough?" I ask and all the children nod their heads, I grab one of the strips Camilla ripped earlier and tie her hair back out of her face. Brushing my hand down each child's cheek I smile meekly before turning to the bigger problem at hand. We are still trapped and the White Queen and her forces are waiting for us on the other side.

 Walking over to the left side tree wall I gently push on it, squeaking when my hand goes straight through the tree. Yanking it back out I see my hand is perfectly clean but there is still a hole in the tree. Again I gently press my hand to the rough bark, gagging when my hand goes through the putty layer and into what feels like goo. Pushing up to my shoulder I can feel my fingertips go out the other side.  Facing the tree directly I push my other arm though as well, widening the hole.

I do repeatedly for at least half an hour until the hole is larger enough to fit through. I'm covered in dark foul smelling goo. The stench of it reaches my nose and makes my eyes water. I vomit what little I’ve eaten onto the ground. After I'm done I spit what’s left of it out of my mouth before ushering the kids through the hole. I respectfully put the last of Camilla's skirts over Bander I peck his forehead quickly.

"Goodbye."I whisper before turning and climbing through the opening. The kids are all waiting on the outside with linked hands, each trying to have a brave face. It shouldn't have happened to them, their just kid’s, they’ve done nothing to deserve this! Tearing my eyes away from their faces I take in our surroundings. There are no trees standing, they've all fallen. Leaves on the ground are curled and black, even the soil is a dark color, stained by the blood of the dying forest.

The sky has not lightened; perhaps the sun is dead as well. We start walking, trying not to sink in the soil which pulls at our bare feet. The silence is suffocating, there are no birds calling or flying over head, no insects are buzzing and mosquito's are not biting. Taking the lead I check for chess pieces and animals as we slowly make our way across the barren space.

The only thing left on the once forest floor is thorns and rotting trees. Reaching down I pull one of the long nettles from the bottom of my foot, grimacing before throwing it to the side and continuing. So far none of the kids have stepped on thorns or twigs which is a blessing because I don't think they can take much more. It’s only a slight movement but the air ripples just ahead of us. A sly grin appears and then vanishes.

"Chesh, are you out there?" I call into the silence hearing no reply but an echo into the nothingness. Quick thumps sound to the right but no one is there. A flash of white to the left draws my attention enough for my foot to catch my heel, causing me to trip. Surprisingly my back doesn't start bleeding again, but my arm does.

"Did y-"I catch from the children's conversation; just small snippets letting me know they see them too. Watching carefully I see a snag of white from the very edge of my vision yet again it disappears when I turn to look.

"What is it Alice?" Dee asks as I step closer to the group. I shake my head as I hear another thump coming from just behind us.

"Is it the March Hare, or perhaps the White Rabbit? Maybe both coming to warn us we’ll miss tea time if we don’t hurry?" I ask loudly into the forest of fallen trees. A snicker answer's me" So perhaps we are playing a game now?"

A short and sharp laugh fills the silence, an insane giggle accompanies it. More taps and hot liquid is splashed onto my arm. Looking at it I notice the sharp smell, darjeeling tea is the liquid, now I definitely have my answer.

'Have they descended deeper into insanity?' I ask myself as a miniature muffin goes sailing past my face.

Camilla shrieks as multiple sugar cubes pelt her cheek, the boys yell as tea cups are thrown at them. I duck as a heavy teapot sails overhead, sputtering as cold tea pours over my face. I wipe it out of my eyes in time for a muffin to smack me in the mouth. A cupcake that is heavily frosted has coated a small section of Camilla’s cheek; the twins are covered in jams, and I am soaked to the bone with tea.

“Run!” I yell at the kids when other various larger objects like fruits and tea pots start being thrown. Dee screams as a tea cut breaks against his bare arm, cutting skin. All together we start running in the opposite direction of the insane laughter and hysteric giggles. I make sure all three kids are in front of me, I think it’s safer than being behind me. I’m shivering uncontrollably which makes it difficult to run but I’m pushing.

I’m covered in fresh warm blood, congealed blood, tea, food bits, natural debris, and shattered shards clings to my clothes.

(I just wanted to say this right now because I’ll forget later. I’m writing this at 34,000 thousand feet in the air, yes, I am on an airplane.)


I swear on my rats that I'll make this longer! I just feel like if I don't update people will ditch out on the story. I also have no clue where to go from here so fanteraction would be nice,

Love you all,

Osiris Day ❀◕‿◕❀

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