The After Math - Episode 1 - Secret Teas

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Heya, everybody! Introductions, I am LizzyLucky, one of those weird (but cool) authors on everything trying to gain a little bit of attention in her attempts at writing! So, I just watched the newest collection of shorts for Ninjago called Wu's teas. Basically a whole bunch of little minute long shorts about the everyday things the ninja do in Wu's tea shop, including rivalry with the shop across the street, spying on people, showing off in the front of the shop, and pissing each other off for the fun of it. Honestly, the whole thing was hilarious, but I had multiple ideas as to what happens after these little blurbs, some good, some bad, so I figured, hey, why not create a little fanfiction and find out? There's pretty much no fanfiction on this collection yet, so I might as well be the first. Hope you enjoy it!

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"Ha, ha, okay, guys, for real now, what do we do?!?!" Jay gave his generic sarcastic laugh before he started to freak out.

"Aren't these things supposed to wear off after like, an hour?" Cole asked, watching in bewilderment as Jay, now a full octopus, spoke.

"How should I know??? Check the tea packets!" Jay snapped back, waving four of his arms in the air for exaggeration.

"On it!" Lloyd exclaimed, turning and running back into the room of Wu's secret teas. He looked back and forth until he saw the shelf they'd grabbed from. Running to it, he extended an arm to grab a box of tea packets only to realize...

He was too small. The tea he drank shrunk him too much!

"Uh, guys, a little help?" He called over his shoulder, jumping up and down to reach the shelf.

"I'm coming!" Nya replied, though she had to whisper as her vocal cords had grown with the rest of her now oversized body.

"Ouch!" She groaned as she turned around, hitting her head on the ceiling.

"Jay!" Wu called from the front of the store.

"Are you sleeping on the job again?" He yelled, sounding irritated.

"No, of course not! Ha ha!" Jay laughed nervously, not sure what to do with himself what with the fact that he was now a slimy octopus. One quickly drying out octopus, he noted.

"I'll be right there! It's- hm-hm-hm- ... RIght here!" He called back to Wu, imitating the way he would hum when he was rummaging around.

"Well alright, but hurry up!" Wu yelled as the bell on the front door rang.

"Ouch!" Nya yelped again, bumping into the wall.

"Here, maybe I should-" Kai started, attempting to push himself toward Lloyd. He paused though, pupils dilating as he put a hand to his head.

"Ugh, guys, I'm feeling a little light-headed... Literally!" He said, his face reading that of nausiousness.

"Oh, here, let me through!" Cole rolled his eyes, pushing past Nya and Jay. He shivered when his hand brushed up against Jay's head.

"Ugh, Jay, you're all slimy!" He complained.

"Ha! Would you believe me if I said I was more bothered by that fact than you are? Honestly, I'm getting pretty dried out here! Hurry up!" Jay groaned, flopping to the floor.

"Seriously guys, come on! I can't reach the tea packets!" Lloyd complained from the other end of the room.

"All right, all right, I'm coming!" Cole said, rolling his eyes again. He chuckled as he reached for the shelf.

"Man, it's just like when you were younger! I miss being taller than you." Cole said, grabbing onto the first box of tea he could find. This one had the image of an octopus on it, he noted as Lloyd folded his arms irritatedly and huffed at Cole.

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