Chapter 1

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Kiani sat at the window, her purple hair was lain gently over her head. She watched outside as her friends played. She didn't mean to break the Wompbee nest on Jak's head. It was an accident, yet her parents locked her inside. Jak and Daxter looked up to her window, they had a sad look on their faces before Kiani smiled. Jak smiled and Daxter winked with a flirty grin. She rolled her eyes. "KIANI!!" Her father's voice echoed through the small house, the vibration nearly caused her flowers in a small vase to fall. Kiani waved goodbye out the window and walked downstairs. "Yes sir?" She asked, standing up as straight as she could. Her father walked over to her, his black beard was matted as it hung in her face. Kiani dared not to look away from the horrid sight that was her father. "Kento! What are you waiting on, get back here with my food!" Her mother shouted from the other room. Kento huffed a small thing of smoke out of his mouth before pointing to the door. "Leave, and never come back." He said simply before punching poor Kiani in the stomach. As she went to grab her stomach Kento then backhanded her. Kiani got up quickly and ran outside, leaving everything she owned behind. Including the only picture of her long since forgotten brother. "Kiani! I guess you where smooth enough to get out?" Daxter asked, his orange fur glistened in the setting sun. Kiani just hung her head down, she fought tears that threatened to break her down. Kiani hadn't cried since her brother was killed, and that was when she was five, she's fourteen now. Jak placed his hand on her shoulder, he slowly helped her up into his arms. "Hey guys, why don't we use the teleport gate at Samos' hut and head over to Gul and Maia's Citadel? We could find some cool stuff." Kiani piped up, breaking the silence that hung in the air like morning fog. Jak nodded and Daxter quivered behind Jak's leg. "Why! Why do we have to go there?" He whined. Kiani giggled. She intertwined her fingers with Jak's and took off running towards Samos' hut, Daxter clung to his shoulder plate as we ran.

As they approached the bridge to the hut Kiera appeared out of no where in front of them. Kiani slammed to a stop nearly falling in the process. "Hi Kiera! We where about to go to Gul and Maia's Citadel to look for some new gadgets! Want to come?" Kiani said, Kiera had a disgusted look on her face before walking away. "What's her problem?" Kiani mumbled under her breath. They went up the steps and peeked around the door frame. Samos was meditating in the center of the room. His long white beard flowed gracefully down his neck. Kiani slowly stepped on the wooden floor, the slight creaking noise warned her not to step there. It took the trio about five or six minutes just to get past him. As soon as they where in the portal's jump range they both jumped, creating a loud disturbance which made Samos Thurman around quickly. Yet they where already gone when he looked up.

Kiani and Jak landed with a thud, slowly Kiani looked around for Daxter. Jak looked around to before Daxter's furry head poked out between the two of them. "I swear, you guys are going to kill me one of these days!" He shouted. Kiani giggled and got off of him, she surveyed the area they where in. Lava bubbled in once side while a precursor door was lain out in front of them. "C'mon! Let's get going!" Kiani shouted excitedly, she hurried open to the door which opened. It's creaking metal hissed through the air like nails on a chalkboard. "What do you think your doing?" A voice asked from behind them. Kiani and Jak turned around to far Kiera. "Exploring, and minding our own business!" Kiani snapped at her. "Ooh, cat fight!" Daxter shouted and plopped down onto the ground. Kiera walked up to Kiani. Both of them had icy glares that wished death upon the other. "You can't go in there. The dark eco is unstable and could cause the entire Citadel to come crashing down around you all." Kiera said. Kiani broke out laughing. Jak had a confused and worried look on his face as he watched Kiani fall to her knees laughing so hard that she was crying. "I may not be the daughter of some eco sage. But trust me when I say this. I know danger when I see it. You don't need to be related to some eco sage to know that this is dangerous. Yet it is also fun. And I'm Sandover's crazy person. This is my job." Kiani answered, she got up and walked through the precursor door that was between her and the wide open Citadel. Jak walked up with Daxter on his shoulder. Kiera stopped him. "If she dies, just remember I told you so." Kiera hissed in his ear. Her voice made his skin crawl, as if certain death awaited them. He shrugged the feeling off and followed Kiani.

The inside was a dome shape, there were several colored bridges between sets of planks and spinning circles for stairs. "We went through this once! And now we have to do it again!" Daxter shouted. Kiani was already st the first bridge, she stomped on the big blue button and tiles appeared before her. She jumped onto the blue ones that began to fall the moment she made contact with them, them she jumped to the green, them red, them yellow. Before finally leaving an open gap between the two sides. "Come on ladies! Treasure isn't going to find it's self!" Kiani shouted over her shoulder. In front of her was several Lurkers. A golden collar encircled their purple furred throats, their big, yellow eyes stared into her soul before they screeched into the air.

So, tell me how you like where this is going! Chapter 2 is going to be fairly short, maybe 100-300 words. But it is going to be important for Kiani. Also please let me know about any errors in this chapter! I need all the help I can get XD

Forgive And Forget? (A Jak And Daxter Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang