Chapter 15 - Teaching the word: Friendship

Start from the beginning

From around the corner, I could hear distant cries of the dead. Even with the trailer door almost completely closed, their shouts are still heard through the small 1 feet spacing between the door and floor in which we kept open. Only nightlight poured in, giving the small space a less tight feeling.

I shut my eyes. Tried to mute out the noises, I then hummed a tune.

At least, that's what it was initially. But before I knew it, I was quietly singing a song; one, which I heard many times, when I was little.

"What are you doing?" Remember asks, still seated in the corner, gazing out into the night sky.
I almost forgotten he was still here. I then smiled, softly. "Just humming a song."

"A song..." He mutters to himself. "So that's what it's called."

His eyes then slowly begins to close, as if finally having the moment to relax (though zombies couldn't really sleep).

"D-Do you like it?" I asked.

He nods. "It sounds nice." He compliments, though his dull empty voice negates the cheery voice that was supposed to be there.

I smiled at him. A random thought then occurred.

Aren't you going to sleep?" I blurted aloud.

At that moment Remember freezes, unable to move nor speak for a second.

"I don't sleep." He says, still refusing to turn to me. "I don't need to."

"Oh. What about eating?" I asked.

He only shakes his head. "Only out of lust. Nothing more, nothing less."

However, Remember then raises an eyebrow. "Why ask about how I eat?"

I now had to ask myself this as well, just realizing how it must've sounded to him, hinting that;

"Nothing, really." I replied. "I just-"

"...You don't trust me." He stated flatly with a small huff. 

"No," I shook. " I do trust you-"

But, he's head has already turned, no longer shantung to socialize with me. He was annoyed.
So, I then brought my sleeping bag closer to him, to the point where I sat beside him, both having our backs against the wall.

Even with his high senses, surprisingly yet he doesn't notice this until he turns back, and sees me sitting just a few inches away from him. He flinches.

"What are you doing."

"Proving that I do trust you."

He then has a small smirk. "By moving closer to me? You humans sure have a strange way of proving yourselves."

My cheeks fumed. "W-ell, it's not like I have any other way to-"

But before I could finish, Remember shuffles closer, to the point where our shoulders touched lightly.

I immediately stop, feeling my heart stop the moment we made contact. Unlike the soft leathery texture of my top, his skin was cold, and hard. As though I was sitting side-by side with a dead body. But surely, Remember acted anything but dead. I then turn back to him, seeing his eyes focused on the small light.

"Remember," I hesitated. "I-If I were to sleep anytime now, will you...still be here with me?"

Slowly he nods. "Yes. That's what friends do right?"

I too, nodded back. "Thank you."

He then leans back against the wall, his feet almost touching the other side of the wall. We didn't say anything-just sat in the trailer, listened to the tink-tink of water droplets until the lamp flickers out.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The next morning, I am awakened by a rooster cry in the distance. My eyes pry open, feeling crusts sticking around the exteriors of my eyes. I blinked a few times, before wiping them off. My arms shoot out, and I release a yawn.

The Infection: Zombies Awakening (Book 1) - EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now