Episode 9

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I sat on the couch watching Jacob play call of duty. He was showing me how to play, trying to keep me from stressing about what was going on with Austen and her parents. It wasn't working. So many what if's were running through my mind. I was so stuck in my thoughts that the front door of the pool house opening made me jump a little. I stood up when I saw Mr. Reeves.

This was the first time we had officially met. He had seen a photo of me, but that was it. I hadn't seen a photo of him, or rather I had, but I didn't know it was him at the time.

"Hello, Mr. Reeves."

Mr. Reeves looked at me in shock. "You're a damn giant! I hadn't realized you were so tall!"

I sighed sadly. I hated being called a giant.

He shook his head and looked at Jacob. "Jacob, go help your mother and sister set the table."

Jacob looked like he was about to object, but one look from his father sent him to the main house.

"How much is it going to cost me?" Mr. Reeves asked in a low growl.

"Umm... I don't understand, Sir."

"How much is it going to cost to keep you away from my daughter?"

I swear the air was knocked out of me and my heart stopped. It took me a moment to respond. "Nothing. There is nothing you can give me to keep me away from Austen."

"If you don't break things off you're fired."

I nodded. "I understand and respect that."

He eyed me for a moment. "I will give you 500,000 dollars."

My eyes widened, and he smiled.

"I can't be bought, and I would prefer you not insult me by thinking I can be," I said in more of a snap than I had intended.

His eyes widened in shock. "I can make it where you never work in marketing."

I shrugged. "I know how to work with my hands and hard work doesn't scare me. I can find a job to support myself, Ellie, and your daughter."

"And if she doesn't want to be with someone who can't give her any other life but one where you're barely making it?"

"Then I will let her go. But I want it to be her choice not yours. I want her happy, and I believe I can make her happy."

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked me up and down. He rubbed his chin and smiled. "Alright, Aaron. We'll need to get you a few suits for your meetings."
I blinked a few times thinking it might help with my confusion. "Sir?"

He smiled a little. "You passed the test." He chuckled. "Most guys would have taken the offer and ran. I like you, Aaron. You have integrity and a backbone. It was two of the things that I noticed through our emails. I just wanted to make sure it stuck when offered a lot of money. My children mean more to me than all the money I have. I want them happy, and strangely enough, I think you might be what Austen needs." He sighed sadly. "For years I've tried to tell her what she needed and what to do, but when she left for college, I realized that me being controlling was what pushed her to go to a college away from us. I just want what's best for her."

I nodded. "That's understandable, but you need to let her decide what's best for her even if that isn't the dream you have for her. It doesn't mean that she does appreciate all you do for her."

He stared at me for a moment. "Are you sure you're twenty? You act a lot older."

I shrugged. "I'm sure. Situations have made me older than I am."

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