Clouded II

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Hiccup's POV

Don't get the wrong idea -Gobber and my father have and always been like brothers. I stood there besides him,keeping my gaze on the horizon. I caught him looking down with a sigh,a grimace of a smile across his face. It said it all. Losing the Cheif of the tribe took a toll on everyone on Berk,but on Gobber -it took its worst toll on him. I miss him too. Even if he hadn't been the best when I was younger,I missed him. I've lost almost everyone in my family,Gobber is the last person I have. Even if he isn't related to the Horrendous'.

He turned to look at me,setting his hand on my shoulder pad over my fur vest. He smiled a bit,the pain still there. I managed a smile,facing towards the grey ocean view again. A few rays of sunlight shined through the gaps in the heavy grey clouds. The ambience changed,becoming warmer. The thought of my father remained in my mind,and I could tell Gobber tried to brush the thought away. The thought formed into another one. He looked at me once again,smirking slightly.

"Don't worry about her,boy." Gobber tried to comfort me,but it made it worse because it just made my anxiety level increase.

"How can I not?" I snapped,but instantly regretted it. "I-I mean -" I sighed and faced down,"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it that way."

"It's fine."

"I meant -it's just that I promised her I wouldn't-"

"Go off after her," he finished the sentence,"go crazy?"

I nodded and half shrugged. Gobber placed his hands back on his hips,sighing as if he were going to say 'what am I going to do with you?' . I slid my hand back onto the secret pocket in the vest,cupping my hand over the notebook. His gaze settled on the horizon,just like I did,but his lasted longer. He squinted and his gray stormy blue eyes widened. "Hiccup," Gobber ordered quickly,marching down the stone slabs that led to the docks of Berk. A ship sailed,but not one of our own.

"Oh,Odin." Gobber groaned,"position for defense at the docks!" He shouted over the commotion on the docks. Viking men and women did as he ordered. Shields were tossed in the air,almost like freeze-bees. Hammers,swords,spears,any weapon that could be made in Berk filled each hand,formed lines on the wooden decks. The sunlight broke through the clouds,the day becoming warmer and humidity started to spread. Sweat began to trickle,from the scalp to the beards and splattering on to the dry buff skin of Viking men. Sticky.

Outsiders. Perfect. They'll ask about the Cheif. I'm sure of that. Oh he's de- gone. I'm the heir,but I just don't think I'm ready. I'm only seventeen. A kid. Gobber thinks I have the potential to become one at this age,even when I was sixteen. Inside,I'm still the same scrawny brainy Hiccup. The socially awkward boy who everyone underestimated. But not everyone looks up to me,except probably Snotlout.

Calm yourself. You'll have to be the Cheif,sooner of later. Anxiety washed over me for the second time today,afraid of the nearing ship. I began shuffling to the side,walking backwards and found myself running halfway up the hill. All I could hear behind me were blowing horns,a clear announcement. I froze in my steps,turning around.

"Vikings of the Hairy Hooligan Tribe! We have sailed from the highlands of Scotland,fighting as well through the mysterious waters. But alas,we have arrived. We mean no harm,and come to set a proposal for both Clans of Berk and Dunbroch." A tall red headed spoke with such powerful voice,almost as loud as my father's cry of war,yet less alarming and less likely to make your ears bleed.

The men and women made way for the soldiers of the Scot's to pass through,leading up the the entrance of the Hall. There they awaited,the King waiting patiently as he scanned the large wooden ten feet tall doors,give or take. 'Go through the back door,get into your armor and.... Make yourself look like a coward. Or a fool. Neither both. Lets go.'

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