Comfort eating

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"Wha-" I don't know where I want that sentence to go, I try again. "what are yo-" I can't finish it. I won't.

I run, I don't know where I just run.

"Rachel?" Someone questions me as I obviously sprint past them in hope of escaping. I halt to a stop as the tears begin to drip down my face. "I'm fine" I whisper more to convince myself than whoever stopped me. "No your not" It's Kurt's voice. Why would he be here, in McKinley. "What are you doing here?" I ask quietly. "Do you mean the park?" He says gesturing to our surroundings. I then realise how far I actually ran. Then I realise how out of breath I am as I slump to the hopefully dry ground. I am quite sure I misjudged the dryness of the ground as I jump up in surprise. "Yeah it's wet there" Kurt says laughing. I glare at him as if saying 'Not the time'. "What happened? Was it Finn? I can still burn his closet. To be honest it would do everyone a favour" Kurt was beginning to ramble but I couldn't hold back my laughter. He looked as if he was trying to swat a bee or a fly away with the motions that he was doing. "It was Finn. Though technically I shouldn't be mad." I say mainly to myself as if in comfort.

It didn't work.

"I am still lost" Kurt mumbles but then raises his voice a few decibels for his next question. "What exactly did he do?" He voices his question just as I begin to ponder the same thing. I know he kissed Santana but why was it wrong? Quinn cheated on him, so doesn't that give him like a free cheating card or something? "No, no I don't think so" Kurt says snatching me from my thoughts. Wait. Did he just read my mind? "No you are just voicing your thoughts without realisation" he laughed softly. "Sorry" I whisper.

We sit in at least ten minutes of silence until Kurt gets a sledgehammer and breaks the silence. "We need comfort food!" He exclaimed jumping up from our place on the new but tattered brown bench in the park we are currently situated in. "Ice cream?" I suggest weakly whilst attempting to clear my face of now dry tears. "Of course" he grins stupidly before dragging me down the street.

"Hello, my name is Polly and I will be your waitress for your visit today" An overly perky blonde said from the end of our booth. "Can I have the cookie dough sundae, please." I mumble with a forced smile that comes into good use for me as an actress. "Can I have the cookie dough sundae, please." she repeated in the same muffled mumble. Kurt gives me a raised eyebrow before ordering "Can I have the Fruit sundae, please" Kurt said politely. And once again Polly reappears in the exact same tone. "Thanks" I say loudly.

"Thanks" she repeats loudly before walking away. "Talk about a Parrot" Kurt says holding in his laughter, as am I.

Just as the laughter is about to irrupt from us Quinn and her gang walked in. "Polly want a cracker" One of the girls mocked the waitress. "Jenna! Be nice." Quinn hissed making her way to our table. "Girls" Everyone turns to Quinn. "Get lost" They all huff and begin to leave.

Once it's just Kurt, Quinn and myself, she talks.

"I heard about what happened and I want to help you" she says softly whilst taking a seat across from me. "Why? What is there to help me with?" I ask.

"Finn wouldn't kiss Santana. Finn doesn't even like Santana."

"I know that it's just...why are you helping me?" I know my voice is filled with uncertainty. "I don't love Finn, I love Puck" she says quietly whilst fiddling with her hands in a nervous fashion. "I know" I'm surprised by the bluntness of my tone and I instantly feel guilty as she is being nice. "sorry. It's just I heard you and your Mother talking well arguing the other day" I correct myself gently.

"It's okay. But I want to help you." she says and she actually sounds genuine.

"With what?"

"Getting Finn back"

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