Dire Straits: For Brown5714

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Dire Straits

For Brown5714


You are both 18

Race To The Edge


You watched in awe as the Night Terror flew into perfect formation at the command of Fishlegs. You weren't the only one impressed.

"Nice work, Fishlegs," congratulated Hiccup.

"Yeah, this is amazing!"

Fishlegs puffed his chest out at the compliment. "Thank you! I've discovered that the Night Terrors respond quite nicely to whistle commands." He blew into his instrument to produce another whistle. "Hey! Impressive! Oh! That's a new formation," he noted. You watched eagerly to see what they would make.

"Is that a-" you started.

"Nice Rumblehorn, you guys!"

"Uh, that's no formation, Fishlegs," Hiccup informed, pointing at the Rumblehorn heading right for y'all.

Stoick waved his arms around, trying to rid himself of the pesky Night Terrors. "Stoick!" you cheered.

He, however, grunted. "Ah! Blasted dragons! I'm a chief!"

"I don't think dragons care about that sort of stuff," you hinted as he landed before y'all.

"Anyways, why are you here, dad?"

"Well, no trade ships have come to Berk in weeks, and no sign of Johann, either."

"Strange," you observed.

"We've sent scouting boats to the Straits of Baldur to investigate, but none have returned."

"That route has been known to be a hotbed for Scauldrons,"

"Except that the Auxiliary Riders have scouted the area as well, and they say the seas are empty and quiet."

"I'm not sure what could be keeping the trade ships away, but something definitely isn't right out there.


"Uh, I hate to be the one who points out the obvious, but you do realize we're just staring at water, right?" Tuffnut pointed out. "No sign of any wild dragons or hunter ships."

"What's keeping these merchants away?"

"Hiccup, look!"

"Adolescent male. About two ship lengths. Whoa! He's a big boy for sure," rambled Fishlegs, excitedly.

"That could be our culprit."

"Okay, we'll head to Berk and grab some nets. It's just a routine Scauldron extraction and relocation," Hiccup said, casually.

Suddenly, the water started bubbling. "Wait, looks like he might have a friend." The bubbling increased by the second, as well as a sudden foul odor.

"Ew, that smell!" you coughed, covering your nose.

"Ugh! What is that stink? Yuck! Hey, Snotlout, kinda smells like the trail to your hut after last year's Mutton Fest," compared Tuffnut. "No bueno."

"Hey, back off! It isn't me, and that was a very trying time by the way."

"Well, remember what wise old Uncle Hagelin used to say: he who hath smelt it, hath dealt it," Ruffnut quoted.

"And if it was more than just gas, he will hath felt it in his pants " finished Tuffnut. "Ah, he was a brilliant man."

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