Epilogue: A Tale In The Rubble

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Epilogue: A Tale In The Rubble

Stonehenge, Wiltshire

The remaining Arturions all stood before Stonehenge the oldest landmark in the England, the stars shone down on the arrangement of stones as the army of immortals took in the wonderful sight. After Taylor and Marcelo's battle the remaining Cyturion's were killed and those that weren't scattered in the wind. There was one man who to their delight hadn't escaped so easily, they'd learned that Noran had been found dead in the rubble of an office building after an airstrike was called on a suspected rallying point for the Cyturion army.

Mylar hadn't been happy that he'd been unable to avenge Tobias' death but was glad that he'd still met his end, and by those he considered so far below him. By the end of the battles in Swindon and Chippenham a little over five hundred Arturion's remained. The reinforcements which numbered at over six hundred had been led by Lara, who to Kimiko's knowledge and everyone else's had been presumed dead. She'd been sent with a group of fifty to protect a village in Somerset from attack by a Cyturion raiding party. Taylor who was stood with Kimiko at his side and Lara on the other was more than happy for the help, and didn't bother to ask how she'd recruited so many in a few months’ time.

They were all people who had only recently discovered their powers or others who had been hiding for years, in fear that if they revealed themselves that they would be hunted down by the authorities. They'd offered to help in the clean-up of the two towns so that the people could get back to some level of normality that was what was left of them anyway. Once a week had passed it had been estimated by the British government that nearly ten-thousand civilians and over three hundred army personnel had been lost in the carnage.

They all dreaded to think how much worse it could have been if they hadn't been there to defend the people against the war that they had brought into their lives. Taylor's attention was caught by Urson who walked up to the collection of stones before them, the ones they faced consisted of four larger rectangular type stones holding up three smaller ones like houses. Urson approached the two central stones and placed a hand on each, both became wreathed in bright white flames joining the glow of the stars above.

A few seconds passed until a crack appeared in the space between the two stones, it was made of the same white flames that were on Urson's hands and the crack began to expand until it filled the space with fire like a door.

"So that's the portal through to Thurnar" said Taylor as he marvelled in its wonder, he could only imagine what it had been like for Tobias to have led the remaining Arturion's through all those years past.

"Aye lad and we're going to rebuild Thurnar together. In the memory of those we have lost" said a voice from a behind as a meaty hand clasped onto his shoulder. He twisted his neck to see a smiling Mylar gazing at the portal with a sparkle of hope in his eyes.

"Yeah, and it seems like a good place to finally bury my families ashes. It's been far overdue" said Taylor as he tightened his grip on the urn in his hands.

"They'd be proud if they could see you now mate" Jamie walked up to Taylor and the others by his side with Peter holding onto Jamie's hand as they walked closer. The two friends embraced as the distance was closed, and it was painful to have to say goodbye.

"Are you sure that you want to stay? It won't be the same without you around man" said Taylor as they broke away from their hug to face each other.

"Yeah I'm sure. The prime minister promised that we'd be looked after, and I'm going to do my best to send any newly manifested Arturion's your way as well. This country is my home, and Peter's it's all we've ever known and I couldn't bear to leave our house behind either" said Jamie, his eyes had begun to water and the tears fell thick and fast but he refused to wipe them away.

"Well you have to do what's best for you and your brother, just take care and visit soon okay?" said Taylor before embracing him one final time as his own tears fell as well.

"Of course I will, see you soon" he replied before they broke away from each other. A familiar hand entangled his own as Kimiko took to his side ready to depart.

Together they walked forward and spun about to face the last of the Arturion's.

"Brothers and sisters! Let's go home" he called out and with the woman he loved he led his people through the portal to their new life.

Beros, Thurnar

The sensation that Taylor experienced from passing through the portal was a surprisingly cool sensation as if he'd walked through a wall of cold water. It was dark as well but he could still feel Kimiko's hand in his as they were transported through, after a less than a minute the space before his eyes was filled with scenery. Rolling hills covered the landscape all of which were covered in luscious green grass, and in the distance mountains could be seen with what could only have been the city of Beros nestled beneath it.

Wasting no time Taylor materialised from sight leaving the rest behind, he was too eager to see it and he didn't want to wait any longer. His flames fell from around him to be replaced by crumbled stone burnt black and  riddled with moss and in places vines too, ahead was a building much taller than the others. A tower ascended over a hundred feet into the sky narrowing into a tip, his eyes trailed back down to rest on a set of wooden doors which remained closed. What was stranger was that the tower appeared to be untouched by the battle, with no marks of black or rubble fallen from it's structure.

Before he knew it his feet were taking him through the doors after climbing the hundred or so steps leading to it, he ran through the tower so quickly he didn't take any time to look at the many doors and passages he passed by. Finally he came to another huge set of wooden doors, into them was carved a man with flames rising all around him. Long flowing hair fell down to his shoulders to frame a handsome face which was focused ahead, he sported a gigantic sword in both hands forged from the same flames that rose up around him.

It was clearly an immortalisation of Arturios, and it only ignited Taylor's curiosity further. With a grunt and an almighty shove he pushed open the doors to reveal a hall; it ran for what seemed like a forever until it ended with a throne that was placed facing the doors so whoever entered could be seen by who sat upon it. This time he walked down the hall, and took in the decoration that was now faded or burnt by the battle that had raged so long ago. Ancient tapestries lined the walls, and paintings were hung in places depicting parts of countryside and a couple of Arturios himself with golden blonde hair and a majesty crown upon it.

He bumped into something hard bashing his knee, he ignored the pain as he gaze fell over a brown leather bound book which nestled on the seat of the throne. The throne itself was carved from the very same stone as the rest of the tower and the city beyond, more fire was carved into its arm rests and up its sides covering the entirety of it. Taylor's hands came to rest on the book; it was covered in a thick layer of dust which flew up into his face as he opened it to the very first page where small tidy letters were scrawled.

It read, The Journal Of Arturios King Of The Arturion's.

AN: That was a little longer than planned ha! So release for The Embers Book III: Flames Divided will be for the end of May, I'll put up a post with the exact date closer to the time.

Thanks to all of my readers and this dedication goes to a friend who recently rejoined wattpad! MatthewJDEvans.

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