No... Betrayal.

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That one bit of hope that I had left.

Is now gone.

It's on the pavement right now.

Shattered into hundreds of pieces.

And I can't pick them up.

Or glue them back together.

I look over at Jackie. She has no color in her face at all. I can tell she wants to cry , but she's holding it in.

I look over at Chad. I can't look past his eyes to see what he's feeling. I could always do that.

I don't know who to turn to first.

Exhibit A - the best friend who has done this twice, the betrayal.

Exhibit B - the 'boyfriend' who has done this twice as well, the heart break.

I don't turn to either of them.

I make a run for it.

I run home.

And soon as I get there, I lock all doors , all windows, I shut all phones off, all computers.

And I sit on my bed.

An I curl my legs up to my chest.

And I cry.

And I sob.

And just drown into my own world.

But. That world has been set on fire, and burned down. And there's nothing left of Amanda Evans. She's gone.

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