Chapter 6: Y/N

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I started to stir. There was a boy that was no more than 8 that was looming over me.

The boy gasped. He staggered backwards.

"U-uh, hi. I'm h-harley, son of hephaestus." The boy stuttered.

I was utterly confused. I was laying on a bed, and it seemed like this was a sort of infirmary, there were some injured people.

"You mean that repair and fire god?"

Harley nodded vigorously. I managed a weak smile.

"Nice to meet you harley."

Harley started to cup his cheeks and stare at the floor. Wonder whats up with this kid. I swear I thought I saw him go red.

I looked around. I spotted Nico who was just lying in a bed across the room. There was a blonde guy, with blue eyes, his face splashed with freckles, attending to him. I heard him mutter under his breath rambling on about how stupid Nico was to just suddenly come here. Here. I bet this was camp half blood.

The boy with blue eyes turned to see me. His eyes shone disapproval.

"Oh, you're awake, you shouldn't be up, you should be the way, I'm Will, Will Solace."

"Y/N , pleasure." I bowed down.

I pointed at Nico.

"Whats wrong with him?" I questioned.

"Ah, he's just tired. Hey, would you mind feeding him this? Thanks, I need to tend to the other campers."

He shoved a ziplock bag full of cookies into my arms and ran off. I wanted to try one, but they were for Nico.

I shuffled towards his bed. Second time passing out. Thats the most I've seen in my life time. I sat down and lifted his chin. I shoved a cookie down his throat and pushed his jaw up and down to force him to chew.

As he was chewing, he started to wake. He started to chew by himself without my help. He looked around for a while and then we stared at each other until I spoke up.

"Get back to bed, this Will guy told me to feed you these.." I whispered, not wanting to disturb the others in the infirmary.
His eyes widened. His expression rapidly changed from surprise, anger, and disappointment.

"No, I'm out of here." He grumbled.

"Nuh-uh mister." I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back down just as he was about to get up.

He stared at me, scowling. I scowled back.

"You're not the boss of me." He growled.

"I am if you don't know how to take care of yourself."

" like you know whats best for me.." he scoffed.

I brushed some hair out of his face. Revealing brown eyes. He blushed , looked away and averted his eyes from mine.

"W-what was that for..." he asked.

"So I can look at you straight in the eye and give you the stink eye!"

He looked back at me and rolled his eyes.

A horn blew.

" oh.." nico faltered.

"What?" I crossed my arms.

"Its dinner.."

"Really? Then come on! Lets go! I'm starving.." I whined.

"Oh, now you want to go out? Heh, nope, the 'boss' told me to stay here. "

"Nico di Angelo, you will come with me to dinner. Food conquers all."

His eyes narrowed. " make me." He growled. He was slightly shorter than me, so I took that as my only advantage. I grabbed him by the waste as he resisted, and threw him over my shoulders. He squirmed.  Talk about Deja vu.

" Who gave you the right to just harrass me like that!? Let me go!"he yelled flaling his arms.

"No." I repiled as I strode towards the place where everyone gathered.

They all stared at me. Oh gods. I just realised I was a complete stranger to these people. This made me realise I was at camp half blood, not school. I turned red.

" w-which table..." I asked Nico. He was still slumped on my shoulders.

He glared at me. His cheeks had a slight tinge of pink. Then he angrily pointed towards a table at a far corner."The Hades table.." he growled. I didn't bother to question it, so I shuffled towards his table and placed him down, slowly. I was stupid, so I just stood there uncomfortably when a half horse and half man dude came up to me.

I stared at him, wide-eyed. He spoke to me.

"Ah, you must be the new camper that arrived. I'm Chiron, pleased to meet you. You're Y/N I suppose?"

I continued to gape at him staring at him from head to toe. I nodded.

"Uh..yeah," I mumbled.

"I suppose you would have to be placed with the hermes cabin since you aren't claimed ye-"

There was something glowing on top of my head. What was it? Glowing bird turd?

"Oh, I spoke to soon" Chiron said with a smile.

"Seems like you're a child of apollo.."

"Wait wut?" I tilted my head upwards and there was a lyre with a gentle yellow glow around it.

I looked back at chiron. " you mean the sun , healing, music blah, blah ,blah god?"

" yes indeed."

I turned to look at a  bunch of kids waving at me from one table. I saw Will there.

" And those are your, ah, half siblings..."

I glanced back at Nico. He only stared at me wide-eyed. I silently walked to the apollo table and sat amongst my siblings as they greeted me.

Things are gonna get crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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