Chapter 9.7

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Chapter 9.7

Cliff Hanger 

King slowly began decreasing the pressure on his swords, letting 23 push him back. He had to time this right or else it would be bye-bye arms and legs.

‘Heh! Don’t tell me you’re running out of steam King…..’, 23 asked when he realized he was gaining the upper hand.


‘Hehehehe……Looks like the death of that girl is really effecting you. Pity I had to kill her though, she had such a fine body……I wonder what it would feel like if I had tortured her.’


King was now the one who was being pushed back. As 23 used more of his strength, King had no choice but to slowly arch backwards.

‘HAHAHA! Hurry up and do something King or else I’m going to kill you!’

 23 was ecstatic. He couldn’t believe he now had The King on the defense. If thing’s keep going his way he could be able……

‘Hey lizard face!.....Heads up!’, King said as he fell backwards. As he did, he brought his right foot up, planting it straight under 23’s chin. He did a overhead flip, throwing 23 into a tree, temporarily knocking him out. King’s plan had worked, miraculously enough.

‘Now to save Tits…..Please let me be on time….’, King thought as he turned back to face the cliff.

His eyes grew wide with shock. Maria was nowhere to be seen.

‘Shit, don’t tell me she rolled off!’

King quickly got to his feet, dropping his twin swords as he ran full speed towards the cliff.


King was beginning to panic. He was still rather far away from the edge. King concentrated on the spot where he thought Maria would have fell off if she had. He looked harder and could, barely, see a small clump of blonde hair popping up from the drop.

Maria had been caught on by a small branch which was sticking out of the cliff. But the branch was barely holding up and was beginning to break even as King rushed towards Maria. He could make it, he defiantly could.

‘Hold on Tits. I’m coming’, King mumbled as he picked up the pace.


‘Aw hell fuckin no!’, King cursed as he glanced over his left shoulder to see 23 chasing after him.

‘Dammit it! I don’t have time for this!’ King further increased his pace. His primary objective now was to save Maria. Everything else could wait.

‘GET BACK HERE KING! I’M GOING TO DESTROY YOU!’, 23 screamed as he chased after The King. And he was catching up fast, reducing the distance to a few meters in a matter of seconds.

‘Almost there! Almost there!’, King was barely 50 meters from the edge now.

King could see the branch supporting Maria was beginning to break and could probably hold her for another minute or two. At the same time he could feel 23 was right behind him, closing the gap between them even though King was running at full speed.

‘Dammit! I don’t have time for this!’, King yelled over his shoulder.

‘If that’s the case, then I guess I have to kill you!’

 23 pulled his right arm back, pressing his fingers together. He aimed to pierce King’s heart with his razor sharp claws, the anticipation growing with each second thinking of the warm blood that would be on his claws and the delicious taste of the heart that would be in his mouth.

‘Just a few more feet!’

King knew. He knew that 23 was about to attack him. But King didn’t have the time to defend or evade the attack. All he could do was pray he could reach Maria before the attack hit.

‘Almost there……’, King could feel the enormous killing intent. He had only 15 meters left. Could he do it?

‘This is the end King’, 23 said as he thrust his arm forward.

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