Battles and brides

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Hi guys, welcome back after MONTHS! I apologize again, something happened to my wattpad account but it's fixed now... hope you're still there? please please please keep reading I promise it gets more interesting!


My feet pressed against the cold-tiled floor as I wandered lazily across to Dhruv's room. My eyes lifted up slightly, only to see Rukhsana in her pale pink outfit, decked up with jewellery, rushing towards me with an unusual glow.

I looked away, hoping to avoid her notice.

"Kri..." she began, but upon observing my expressionless face, she stopped in her tracks; a few meters away.

I stopped too, looking to the side.

"What's wrong?" She asked hesitantly.

"Nothing." I muttered, still not meeting her glistening eyes that lifted my mood every time.


"I'm fine. Honestly. Now can you please leave?" My impatient voice surprised me and a mixture of guilt and empathy arose for Rukhsana.

She stood in front of me, opening and closing her mouth in confusion, not knowing how to react. I finally met her hopeless eyes that made me feel sorry for how I behaved with her.

"Ex...excuse me?" She finally responded firmly after a good few moments.

I rolled my eyes, still wondering why she wanted to be around me when I had behaved so arrogantly with her.

"If something's wrong I can help?" She offered, a wrinkle of worry plastered across her forehead like an uneven bandage.

She wasn't going to leave this way.

She began walking closer to me, but I felt my feet backing off reluctantly.

She stopped again and looked at me.

"Rukhsana. I think it's better for both of us if we just stay away from each other." I blurted out, not coping with the discreetness that had come over us.

Her astounded expression made my heart beat faster.

"Krishna. You're acting strange." She said bluntly.

"Please. I beg you." I thrust my palms together in frustration.

Her mouth dropped open slightly but she covered her sorrow and confusion subtly.

A few minutes of silence went by and we still stood in front of each other like two enemies on the battlefield.

Ramesh's voice interrupted my deep thoughts.

"Rajkumar, your father has returned from war successfully."

The layer of ice that had been glazed over my heart seemed to melt at the sound of my father. My lips twitched but a smile did not come across my face.

"Father..." I whispered slowly, leaving Rukhsana stranded alone.

The sound of the conch shells at his arrival only made my feet rush faster towards the royal court.

As I entered, the whole family had been gathered together and it didn't take long for me to feel like an outsider again.

"Krishna! My son." Father's enthusiastic voice became louder as he came and patted me on the back.

I tried to show a smile.

His eyes looked proudly into mine.

"Thank you son." He whispered. "Winning this war would have been impossible without you if you hadn't made that wonderful scheme the other day." He hugged me and I saw the sour look of hatred painted across mother's face.

I broke the embrace and he tightened his brows at my sudden reaction.

"Well, it was only you left to greet and here we are." His arm around my shoulder only made me feel more uncomfortable however he was the only parent I had at the moment.

"In the happiness of Magadh's success, let there be many plates of sweets and offerings! And also, may there be twice as many ladoos prepared because my elder son has given me double the happiness today!"

The family exchanged glances.

Father turned to me. "The news of your wedding with Rukhsana." He smiled warmly.

A cramp in my heart caused me to get out of my seat.

"Father, you mean Dhruv." I said sorrowfully.
The flower petals flying through the air were stopped for a moment.

Father observed my discreet eyes with query.

Through the corner of my eye I saw Rukhsana's face flush red with anger and grief. I couldn't help it. I couldn't hurt mother any longer.

"Samrat, he...." she started but I interrupted quickly.

"I... do not fancy Rukhsana - err... someone else." I whispered and winked in pure pretense.

Father blinked at this confusion but smiled and laughed. I could sense Rukhsana was on the verge of tears.

The last thing I wanted to do was see Rukhsana's reaction to this and disappoint her even further.

"Father. I have to go." I said quickly and scurried off.

"But Kr...." he began. Mother walked across to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We have to prepare for our son's wedding." She grinned whilst he forgot about my hurry.


I sat on the edge of the bed, leaning forwards restlessly. I gazed out of the window in front of me until a tap on my shoulder made me jump.

"Oh... Dhruv - you... here? At this time?" The evening had drawn upon the place and lanterns were lit up across the side of my bathing pool.

"Brother. I'm so glad I have a sibling like you." He hugged me.

I didn't say anything at all.

"Anyways. You have to look the best in my wedding alright? And listen - you're going to choose which horse I'm going to be riding on for the day. You've tamed quite a few haven't you?"

I nodded.

"Alright. Good night." He left me happily.

I could not let my emotions sway me away from my aim. If I did not want to lose the only mother I had, this was the only way to do it; the difficult way.

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