I hopped to my feet and pushed the girl who was trying to kill me away, and accidentally into Josh, who was now having to fight two people.

"Neia!" Aylor yelled, and I ducked down. I looked up to see a sword swinging a couple inches above my head, and as soon as it passed, I stumbled to my feet, knife ready.

The boy quickly turned around. I smiled and lunged at him. He deflected my swing with his sword, but he was forcing me towards a tree.

So, I did the only thing I could think of. I kicked his hand, which sent his sword flying.

Sadly, I lost my grip on my knife, so it went flying, too.

"Shoot." I cursed to myself before the boy grabbed me by my shoulders, lifted me off the ground, and slammed me into the tree behind me.


I fell to the ground on the second one, having hardly any strength to crawl away. I could still see, but barely.

Then, just as the boy lifted the knife up to stab me, Alycer came pouncing out of nowhere, grabbing his hand that was holding the knife.

Before I knew what was really happening, the boy grabbed the knife with his other hand and plunged it into her gut.

She gasped as her hands let go of his arm, and she looked at me. I couldn't do anything but watch as the boy pulled the knife out of her stomach, making her collapse to the ground.

I tried to move, but it was as if my limbs weren't under my control, as if they were dead.

So, I just sat there as my friend lay in the grass, dying. She was laying on her side, blood leaking out of her mouth and nose, along with her wound. From what I could see, she was still breathing. And crying.

Aylor was fighting off the boy who had stabbed her, and the Lethan was helping him while Josh was busy fighting off a girl. He finally stabbed her and she fell to the ground, and as he turned around, as he saw Alycer, he started sprinting towards us.

Finally, I could move again, and I slowly crawled over to Alycer. I looked at Aylor, who dove down beside Alycer just as Lethan and I got there.

Lethan and Aylor turned her in her side, and tears came to my eyes when I saw her face.

Her lips were blood stained and she had blood coming out of her nose. The dried blood from the cuts on her cheeks were a purplish color.

"Oh my God..." Lethan said beside me as Alycer opened her eyes. She looked at Aylor.

"Are they gone?" The way she spoke broke my heart and tears started to fall from my cheeks. Aylor cupped his hands around her small, thin face.

Ali's eyelids heavily dropped.

"You were supposed to go home. I- Don't leave me. Please, Ali, please."

"Aylor..." she whispered barely loud enough for us to hear. I put my hand on her bloody one.

"Ali, no. No." I whimpered.


She's dead.

I took my hand from Ali's hand as Aylor continued to gently shake her head in his hands.

The Game Plan (a Hunger Games Fanfic) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora