Break The News

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Broderick POV 🌘

Currently driving JC and I to our date

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Currently driving JC and I to our date. I couldn't help but notice how quiet he is while looking like something heavy is on his mind.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "Nothing, I'm fine...."

"Come on don't lie to me."

He sighed. "It's a little too much to say right now-"

"I don't care, tell me what's going on...."

He didn't respond right away, but when he did he told me to "Pull over."


"Pull over, Broderick!" He repeated.

I was a little hesitant but I ended up pulling over once I saw a spot for me to park.

Lakir POV

15 minutes earlier....

"I don't see them, do you?" I asked Ibn as we waited and looked for Tyler and his gang.

"Nope but they should be appearing around here soon. They're always here around this time."

"Who is this Elijah guy anyway?" I asked him, curious as to why Ibn wants Tyler and his gang dead because of this guy.

"I'll tell you later-"

"Why can't you tell me now?"

"Because if I tell you now I'm gonna start blabbing on and on about him, and ultimately get distracted from what I'm supposed to be doing right now."

I chuckled. Elijah must be Ibn's new boyfriend. Ibn is always so protective over whoever he's dating.

"See, there he is!" Ibn said as he spotted Tyler from across the street.

Ibn wasted no time getting up and going across the street to confront Tyler. I hurried up and followed him, so I won't miss anything.

"Well if it isn't the punk ass who stole from me." Tyler said to Ibn.

"Shut up. Me and you got an issue we need to solve...."

"Oh you're right about that! I promised myself the next time I see you I was gonna beat your ass, but that seems like it's not gonna happen since you brought some back up." He said as he looked at me.

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