Simon's Halloween Costume

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Raphael sat at the edge of his bed watching Simon pace back and forth in front of him.

"What am I going to do?" Simon groaned. He didn't have a Halloween costume for Magnus' party which was in exactly 2 hours.

"Just go as a vampire" Raphael said leaning back on his bed so he was now looking at the ceiling.

"That's boring though, plus I don't want to be matching with you!" Simon whined.

Raphael frowned. He seemed to always be the one who had to deal with Simon and his problems. He wasn't exactly the best comforter of advice giver.

"Raphael help me!" Simon semi - yelled. Raphael sat up with a smirk.

"I have an idea" He said and Simon gave him a skeptically look.

"How about you be my boyfriend for Halloween?" Raphael questioned the smirk still tugging on his lips.

Simon starred at Raphael in shock. Simon didn't expect Raphael to return the feelings. He didn't even think Raphael liked him as a friend!

"Or is that too boring for you?" Raphael questioned his eyebrow raising.

"No! no god no I'd love that!" Simon smiled as he launched himself at Raphael.

Simon hugged Raphael tightly. Raphael slightly hugged back.

The two went to Magnus' party hand in hand. Simon with a cheesy grin and Raphael questioning why he liked Simon in the first place.

"So what exactly are you guys meant to be?" Clary questioned.

"I'm Raphael's boyfriend!" Simon said proudly holding up Raphael's hand in his.

"Finally! It took you two long enough" Magnus smiled as he had his own hand in Alec's.

They had only been there an hour and Simon was already tipsy. Raphael had only one drink knowing if they both got drunk they'd never get home.

Raphael watch Simon dancing with Clary and Izzy. He was content until Simon started to approach him with his hands out. Simon pulled Raphael to the dance floor and Raphael tried to pull away.

"Hey your my boyfriend! Unless you want to watch me dance with someone else then I suggest you start moving them hips!" A drunk Simon giggled. Raphael rolled his eyes at his drunk boyfriend and began dancing with him.

By the end of the night Simon was almost falling asleep on Raphael's shoulder.

"I think you better take Sammy home" Magnus said eyeing Simon who now was finding it hard to open his eyes.

"It's Simon, but your right we better get home" Raphael sighed as he nodded to everyone.

Raphael slapped The taller Vampire awake. Simon groaned as he stood up a little and glanced at Raphael.

"Hey baby!" Simon giggled in his drunk state.

"Let's go home" Raphael said as he dragged Simon out of Magnus apartment.

The two vampires walked home hand in hand watching the pale moon light above them.

Neither of the vampires spoke both letting the silence consume them.

When the two boys got to the Hotel, Raphael dragged Simon to his bedroom. They both kicked off their shoes and tugged off their jackets. Both stripped until they were in their boxers.

Simon was the first to collapse onto Raphael's soft silky sheets. Raphael soon followed suit. Simon ended up onto of Raphael. His head laying on Raphael's chest. He wrapped his arms around Raphael's mid section and Raphael put his hands around Simons higher back.

Simon fell asleep hoping he could be Raphael's boyfriend again next Halloween.

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