Chapter 1

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Before you die, people say life flashes before your eyes. You see every single memory, good or bad. And just before you reach total oblivion, you see a light ahead of you, A light that will supposedly guide you to the afterlife.

What I experienced is far from it. I didn't see my life before my eyes, I didn't see the light. I saw nothing. Darkness filled my eyes and now my body and my soul are no longer one. I try to open my eyes and search for something, and fail. Either my eyes are open but I lost the sight, either I'm still in my body numb, my eyes closed and never will open.

"Cole..." I hear a voice utter my name. Not a familiar one either. That's it... I tell myself. This voice will lead me to my life after death if there is any. "Cole..." The voice repeats. So I walk towards it, still blind.

It's weird that even after my death, I can walk, I can think, I still haven't lost that urge to live. Is that what death is? Setting the soul free from the body? I still hear that voice, even though I've been walking for what feels like a very long time, it seems like the voice is still far away, like I haven't even moved. Is this some kind of game? I try to scream at that mysterious voice, but my lips move without a sound. I really hoped after I'm dead I wouldn't have to feel like this, Like something's about to happen. The voice speaks again but this time it's not my name, it mumbles something in a foreign language, which reminded me of Elen somehow, once it's finished I see a person's silhouette in front of me, I run towards it, finally someone that can help me. As I get closer to it, I notice that it's the shape of a women. I keep running to her trying to shout but still no sound. I stop when I'm standing right in front of her. Her features still blurry, I couldn't see her face, instead I see her red hair and a blank face.

She places her hand on my temple, and started chanting, "In the name of our holy king, I release you from your death." I couldn't believe what I just heard, I didn't trust my senses. but before I get the chance to realize what she said was what I heard, I open my eyes. And again darkness surrounds me. But it was a different kind of darkness. I move my arms around trying to examine my surroundings, to figure out where I am. My hands stumble on a soft fabric surrounding me entirely. I am traped in that fabric. I keep punching and kicking for it to move but it won't budge. I suddenly realize where I am. I am in a casket.

Deadly Love - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now