He sat down and we both dug in.

After breakfast I hopped down off the stool and put our dirty dishes in the dish washer. I turned around and Dom was in front of me. I smiled and him and grabbed his hand.

I ran up to my room dragging him behind me I grabbed socks and my running shoes as I pulled on my sock he did too. By the time I was done tying my shoes he was standing up with his already on and offering me his hand.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the gym. I grabbed two towels off the rack and two waters out of the fridge. I walked over to the docking station and put my iPod on it and selected a good starter song. I dropped Dom's hand when I started to walk over to the treadmills and hopped on. I set my water and towel down and started the treadmill.

45 minutes later I was done the treadmill and now was working on the punching bags while Dom was doing weights, which was not helping because my hormones and wolf were going crazy to make matters worse he took off his t-shirt too. So now me and my wolf could see our mate's muscles ripple and seeing the strength our mate has.

I kept pushing those thought to the back of my head and tried to focus on just punching and kicking. Focus on your pattern I tolled my self.

Right, left, kick, right, right, left, round house kick. Repeat.

Right, left, kick, right, right, left, round house kick. Repeat.

Right, left, kick, right, right, left, round house kick.

I felt a presence behind me but acted like I didn't notice anyone there and when I can to round house kick I turned around and round house kicked and person behind me. They blocked my kick by going down and crouching and kicked my legs out from under me.

They jumped on me and straddled my waist I felt tingles and knew it was Dom. I looked up into his eyes and smiled at him. "What was the point of that?" I asked.

He chuckled "Of course you wouldn't notice you're using all of your strength on the punching bag and have gone threw all but one of them plus your hands are bleeding and I had to stop you and this seem like the easiest way to."

I looked around me and saw punching bags on the ground. I looked back at Dom and gave him a smirk. I felt pain in my knuckles and saw them bleeding and a couple of my knuckles broken.

Dom grabbed my hands and lifted my knuckles up to his lips and kissed them. He licked them and they felt better straight way (in case you didn't know a werewolves mate's salvia can heal their mate faster then the healing time).

I sighed and looked him in the eyes. I stretched my arms out and flipped us around so I was straddling him instead. I got down and rested my head down on his chest it was sweaty although me and my wolf could care less. I kissed his chest and man did it taste good.

I wolf was jumping all over in my head and canting me on to do it again but I took the step further. I licked his chest and my wolf was drooling at the taste of him. I kissed his chest again and sighed in content.

I snuggled up to him more and he kissed my forehead before I felt my eyelids become heavier. "Go to sleep Lu. I will watch over you and always protect you. Get some sleep my beautiful mate."

With his final words I fell asleep in the arms of my mate lying on his chest.

I woke up to hear people arguing but in a whisper. I was still laying on Dom because I could still feel the tingles and shocks. I kept my breathing even so they wouldn't know I was asleep.

I listened to Dom's heart and it was uneven I knew that he had to be awake then. I listened to the people arguing and found the twin's voice and Dom's. I was still sleepy so it was hard to understand what they were arguing about.

Rejected than Excepted. No thanks Goodbye!! Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now