I'll cry a river

Começar do início


Zayn stormed into the hallway. "I know you love me, Zayn," she says and plays dirty. She grabs his shirt and her hand slides lower till she ends his crotch and I see his eyes get wide.

"LAURA," He yells and rushes over to me. "You can't breath.." he says and he shouts Liam's name, then those of the other boys. 

"Laura I love you, I love you so much. More then anything and anyone," he tells me but I don't believe him. 

The others enter the hallway and I see Liam rush to me. "Listen to my breathing," he says and lays one of my hands on his chest. I shake my head a little. I see stains, black stains in my already blurry sight.

"Fuck you Zayn," I say and then pass out.

Louis's POV:

Where can she be? Where's the place she would go? Think Louis.

Things she likes...

Places with the sun and water.

I remember her saying that a lot. I already thought about a date with her, but that was a long time ago. I would take her to the beach. She loves warm weather and the beach. The sun setting and to hear the water.

She's a romantic type.



I took a cab to our hotel and there got the keys from our car. It's a 10 minute ride. I picked up Harry a lot of times at that spot. That place that Harry said was special, but it was his. No one could interrupt him there, no one could know of the existance of the place. Just me, and  he trusted me. I just picked him up there and promised him never to go there without him.

He won't get angry over this time. 

I stopped the car at the cliffs and rushed to the place where Youé and Liam had their Romantic date.

She's standing at the cliff, looking over the sea. When she heard something she turned around and her breath hitched. "Who's there?" she asked, trying to see my figure between the rocks. "Superman is here to save you," I say and climb up to her. 

No tears, she hasn't been crying. When I take a step towards her she takes a step back. "Stop, Lou," she says and I frown. "I'm not going to bite you," I say and walk over to her. I take her in my arms but she doesn't hug me back.

"Hey, I know you're upset because of Liam. But I did nothing wrong, did I?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "Liam loves you, he's being a jerk," I say but she doesn't  respond. Her face is blank. 

"Don't be like this," I whisper and touch her cheek softly. She glares as me and takes a few steps back, shakes her head and sighs. "Why are you trying to solve things between me and Liam?" she asks.

"Because I care about you. I can't stand to see you like this," I say. "Why don't you take your chance, like you told me you would?" she says and lets her head hang down.

I walk over to her and sit down, pulling her down next to me. Our feet dangling off the cliff. "Because I know you'll regret it afterwards. I know you love Liam, and he loves you. It looks like he messed up badly, but he is trying to keep his gentleman side on."

She looks at me confused.

"Danielle is a good friend, she had a rough time and Liam helped her out. He's always been the sensible one. He promised her to always be there for her. And now she kissed him, and he didn't pull back, was pure out of... I don't know what. But he loves you." I say and she raises an eyebrow. "Sure," she says. "Let's go home, the others won't be there for a while. Niall and Persephone are with Harry somewhere. I think talking to Paul. Liam and Zayn, I don't care where they are, and Laura is....I don't know. I hope somewhere with Persephone," I tell Youé and she sighs, then nods.

One Direction drove me off the road SEQUELOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora