1 - "Flaws."

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A Rescue Team must consist of people with a sense of what's right, and what's wrong.

Those people have to be strong, brave, and courageous.

Forming and leading a rescue team is a big responsibility, especially because you have to make sure that your team sticks together, and never splits up in a mystery dungeon.

...I failed to keep our team together, and one of us was taken.

<10 Years ago>

"Blaze, hurry up!" I heard my friend Martin shout. "I'm literally right behind you!" I shouted, poking his side as I ran alongside him.

We were 11 at the time.

When we set our sights on becoming the best rescue team out there.

Me, Tsuta, Martin, Spike, Puddles...

And Gale.

"Hey guys, where'd Gale go?" Puddles asked, looking around. "Oh, I dunno. Probably looking for us in the forest." I said sarcastically, as I walked back.

We had been heading to the hill where a large tree stood. That was our 'Hideout' even though it wasn't really a secret place. Everyone in serene village had been here before.

Martin had something to share with us, so we ran as fast as we could to our base.

Gale was the youngest out of our group, and wasn't as fast as we were. I always watched out for her.

"Gale?!" I shouted. "I-I'm coming!" She shouted, as I walked deeper into the forest. "AAH!" I heard a loud crack of a tree branch, and Gale's scream.

"Hang on, I'm coming!" I shouted, now running. As soon as I found her, she had a branch on her leg. "What happened?!" I said, lifting the branch off of her leg.

"A tree decided to break its arm." She laughed, standing up. She wobbled back and forth, before falling into me. "Whoa!" I fell backwards into the leafy ground of the tranquil forest. "Sorry!" She panicked, getting off of me. "It's fine." I laughed, standing back up.

"I wish Martin and the others would wait for me..." She sighed. "They always argue over who the leader of the team will be." She grumbled.

"In truth, you're the most leader-like one out of all of us, Blaze." She grinned. "Really?" I asked, as we started to walk back to the hill. "Yeah. You're smart, your responsible, you're... Well, a natural leader." She said, ducking under a tree branch that hung closer to the ground.

"I dunno about 'A Natural Leader', but okay." We laughed. "HEY LOVEBIRDS! HURRY UP!" I heard Spike shout. "GIVE THEM A BREAK, DOOFUS!" Tsuta shouted back.

Tsuta was and always has been really chill. He and I are like brothers, even though we aren't.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR VOLUME CONTROL?!" Spike shouted at him. "LOOK WHOS TALKING!" Tsuta argued.

Soon everyone but me and Gale were arguing. I looked over at her, and her fists were clenched, and she was gritting her teeth in anger.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" She boomed, as everyone became silent. "Honestly..." She marched up to them, as I followed. Soon we were under the cool shade of the big tree.

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