Chapter Thirty-Two

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When Milo woke up in Cedric's bed the next morning after a detention that could only be described as eventful, he still didn't feel any better. If anything, the boy felt as though he didn't get any sleep. Tossing and turning at the foot of Cedric's bed, even poor Cedric had a hard time falling asleep as he wasn't used to the extra body and movement. He woke up several times to check on Milo but there wasn't much he could do. Whatever was plaguing the boy's mind was something that Milo had to deal with on his own unless he wanted to talk about it. 

Paden had attempted to comfort Milo as well but there was only so much the little bowtruckle could do. There were a couple of times where he climbed over to assist the boy but Milo would turn either knocking Paden off the bed or nearly crushing him. It was best just to stay away from Milo until he was awake. 

But when Milo awoke, things didn't get better and Milo wasn't sure where to turn. After Harry had told him about the idea of Voldemort being in the Forbidden Forest and feeding off a unicorn, he wanted to go straight to his mother, but Harry begged him not to. Unfortunately, Milo was torn as he wanted to remain in good standings with his brother, Harry had confided in him which meant that he trusted him somewhat. He didn't want to lose that but at the same time, he really hated keeping things from his mother. 

It wasn't even a hundred percent certain that it was Voldemort that Harry had seen, there was always the possible chance that he was wrong. But at the sound of the Centaurs being the one discussing it, Milo wanted to hear it from them. However, he needed to get through his exams as the end of the term was drawing closer. 

Students were gathered in the Study Hall and in the library more than ever trying to make sure they knew everything they needed. Hermione kept Milo informed, telling him that there were no changes, after all, Fluffy was still behind the door meaning it was still guarding. But Harry had his suspicions of Snape and they were running out of time. Finally, Milo couldn't take it anymore as he made his way to his mother's office.

"Milo, what are you doing here?" She asked him, looking up from her own work. "You should be outside, the day is lovely, everyone is taking advantage of it. I'm sure that Mr. Diggory would be more than willing to toss a quaffle back and forth-"

"Mum, please, listen to me," Milo quickly closed the door over to her office and made his way to stand next to her. He couldn't give everything away or Harry would never forgive him, but he wanted to make sure that Harry would be safe above all things.

"Listen, there are students who are aware of Fluffy and-"

His mother's eyes widened as she just stared at him for a moment, perhaps he should have left out the idea that he knew the creature's name. She stood up from her desk slowly after she removed her frames and set them down. He took a couple of steps back.

"Where did you learn the name, Milo? Have you-"

"It was by accident, Mum," Milo told her, " I was at Hagrid's and unfortunately, I looked at some papers that were sitting out. I shouldn't have but I did...but please, it's no one's fault but my own. However, I know that Fluffy is there and I know that some students have been quite...suspicious of it...they've been going there to check it out..."

He hated himself but he wanted to keep Harry and Ron and Hermione safe, knowing very well that they would be snooping around. There was no telling what would happen if they were caught off guard and he couldn't have them get hurt and know he could have prevented it. He wasn't necessarily giving away their names, he was just telling his mother to up the patrol near Fluffy's room. It would definitely increase the chance of them getting caught and being sent away. 

With a flustered look, Minerva didn't say anything to him as she left her office, leaving Milo to cringe, wondering if he had done the right thing. He waited a couple of minutes before he decided to follow her. He didn't even have to travel up the stairs when he heard his mother's voice echo from where she had definitely come upon Harry and Ron scouting out the room again.

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