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-Shinhee's POV-

Today I was setting Minjae and Jungkook up for the, twentieth time already? I'm surprised I didn't separate them and I'm surprised they haven't confessed to each other yet.

I was packing my stuff, getting ready to leave school. I was excited cause it's Friday, I mean, everyone anticipates the weekend, right?

I fished my book out and I was about to close the locker when someone closed, or slammed it for me.

I turned around only to find Yoongi standing in front of me, with his hands beside my head.

I gulped.

"What d-do you-" I was cut off.

"Why! I told you to separate the both of them so Minjae could be mine! WHICH PART OF SEPARATE DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!" he shouted as he slammed his hand repeatedly on my locker.

"I... I..." I was speechless. I didn't know how to respond to him.

"You what huh? Do want me to teach you a lesson so you can actually learn what does 'separate' mean?" He said and sent me a death glare.

He raised his hand, as if wanting to slap me hard in the face. However, all I felt was a gust of wind, no impact, no pain.

I opened my eyes to see Yugyeom holding Yoongi's hand.

Wait. Yugyeom? He's here today?

"Yugeyom wh-"

"Let's go," he told me and looked at me in the eye. He pushed Yoongi away with his other arm and dragged me with him.

When we are out of the school boundary, he finally loosened his hand a bit.

"Sorry Shinhee, I didn't mean to just drag you outta there, it's just that the boy that was gonna slap you looked like a butthole," he apologized.

"It's okay, I need you to come and 'save' me anyway," I said and chuckled.

"Hehe, glad you know. C'mon, let me walk you home since I only do this once a month," he said and we walked home together.

Yugyeom was like a big brother to me.

He's always there when I needed him and he always takes care of me. I couldn't be anymore grateful.

I was reaching my apartment I shared with Minj-




I quickly took a glance at my phone to check the time.

It's 3.49 and I have to set the both of them up and meet them at 4!

I'm gonna be so late!

"Yugyeom, I have to rush home now, good bye, it's nice for you to send me home, bye!" I waved to him and literally sprinted back home.

I reached the apartment after a four-minute run and got ready. I wore a plain shirt and long jeans and sprinted off to our destination.  After so much sprinting I guarantee I could lose 24kg.

Just kidding!

I reached our destination and saw Jungkook and Minjae unnie already waiting for me.

-Jungkook' POV-

Minjae noona and I waited for Shinhee noona to arrive at the arcade. I'm sure we were going to have lots of fun today...

If only Shinhee noona doesn't run away halfway like the last 19 times.

Shinhee noona arrived and she looked stunning, like ever before. Now that I've hung out more with Shinhee noona, my love for her grew deeper and deeper.

"Kookie ah! Let's go~" Minjae noona said in an aegyo voice and clung onto me.

If only Shinhee noona did this, she would look so cute my heart would melt like ice cream under the hot sun!

We went to a claw machine first and Shinhee noona suddenly said something, "Ah...I have to go to the bathroom and it's urgent, bye! I'll be back soon!"

And she went off once again. It's the same thing she said last time and she never returned...

Perhaps she was hiding something from me?

"Minjae noona, I'll go check on Shinhee noona first," I told Minjae and tried to get her off me.

"Aigoo Jungkook ah, she said she's going to the-" I cut her off, I've dealt with enough of this.

"Can you stop acting as if she's none of your concern! Every time when we play until halfway, or not even, she would always go somewhere else and not return, aren't you a bit concerned?!" I shouted at her, venting all my anger on her. But still, she's the main reason why I was angry.

Since when did she care about Shinhee noona, since when did I have a proper outing with Shinhee, since when did she care about my love?!

"What? So what if she's gone half way you have no idea about all of this Jungkook! You are so dense and naïve aren't you? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THAT SHINHEE WAS ACTUALLY SETTING US UP?" She shouted back at me and I was taken aback.

S-set up? What did she mean by set u-up?

"Yes Jungkook, I like you, no, I love you,"

-To be continued-

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