Episode 5, Part 10

Start from the beginning

Cera whistles through her teeth. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks.” I make no effort to move. It’s one thing to speak the words out loud. Another entirely to act upon them.

“Well, I better not hold you. I suppose it isn’t really any of my business.” Cera stands.

I stand with her, and we grip forearms. “Don’t worry, I welcome your friendship.” I flip my braid onto my back and breathe deeply. “I guess there’s no more time for stalling.” With confident strides, I head toward Yetic first.

He opens his mouth to speak.

Rather than listen to his complaints, I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his shoulder. “Thanks for your help today. We’re going to make a great team.” I give him a squeeze before backing away.

His jaw is slack, rain running down his face.

“Just let me say a few things, and I’ll be right back.”

He nods obediently.

I dismiss myself, taking a much less confident approach to Neca. I stop a pace shy and stammer.

He turns and looks at me, surrender in his eyes.

After taking another deep breath I gather my thoughts. “Please tell me you didn’t register just for me.”

“I can’t let you be with him.” He speaks barely loud enough to hear over the rain.

I step closer. “It’s not your decision.”

“Where do I remember hearing that before?”

“You had to honor the deal you made with Yetic, and you did. Now I’m going to do the same.”

“Earlier,” he runs his hand along his braid, “I didn’t want to tell you how I felt. I didn’t want to cloud your decision to register.”

“Don’t.” I cut him off. “Don’t say it now either. Don’t you get it? We can’t.”

“Why not?”

“It’s too late.”

“Not if we’re placed together, in the same barracks.” He pleads.

I shake my head and close my eyes. “There’s no future in it. Immortals aren’t even allowed to couple.”

“Oh so that’s it. You don’t feel anything for Yetic, so the arrangement is that much cleaner and easier.”

“Yes!” I bite my lip and try to slow my breathing.

“I’m sorry, Calli. I’m not going to make this easy on you. I’m not going away.”

“Please,” I can no longer contain the tears, “don’t do this to me. Don’t put me in this place.”

“You put yourself in this place.” He extends his arm, gesturing toward the stadium surrounding us. “I’m trying to get you out.”

“Then you don’t love me at all.” I turn and stomp off toward the others. No sooner had the words left my mouth, I knew they weren’t true. Why else would Neca be here?

“Green!” Zorrah blurts out the color. Like a spark on dry kindling, the court bursts to life with a thousand masazin asking each other their color. I sprint to join the group.

“You’re green too!” Olin swings Zorrah in his arms then freezes when he sees me.

I’m facing them. They can’t see the color of my band. Neither can I. I’m too afraid to turn and let them know. How could something as trivial as a braid band come in between us?

“You’re Green.” Yetic puts his arm around me. Dipping his chin, he flips his braid across his chest and looks the other way.

“You too. Green.” I’m glad for it. I’m exultant. The price I’ve paid, that I’m still paying. It’s all been worth it.

“Cera!” Zorrah barks. “Turn around.”

I watch as Cera does so.

“Green! Can you believe it? Two thousand minus six!” Zorrah sags as soon as she says it.

We all realize there is one person unaccounted for, a dark-skinned masazin whose color we haven’t confirmed.

“Neca?” Zorrah says his name out loud.

The rest of us look in different directions. I’m sure I’m the only one who sees him walking away under cover of steady rain. Even across the length of the court, I know it’s him. With a heavy heart I watch as he leaves the court through the exit illumined green.


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