gum under my pussy

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As soon as he saw her beautiful brown eyes, he was immediately curious about her. despite the death glare she gave him, he gave her a sweet smile.
"-anyways...let's get this straight, british frog." he chuckled and she snarled. "i'm lazy as fuck so you're doing 99.9% of the project because i have shows to catch up on." her dazzling personality is so striking. she's so amazing.
"we can work on it after school. if you don't mind-" she cuts him off with a sharp tone.
"i don't let strangers into my home, nor friends. so your place is fine." she says right before the bell rings. Franny silently thanks god before collecting her shit and getting the fuck away from the boy who was staring at her with amazement in his eyes. she catches him staring and gives him a face before rolling her eyes and leaving.
   "i see you've found someone of interest you're first day here?" louis says behind him, while harry is packing up. harry blushes before letting out a huff of air. louis tries not to say anything in envy. 
   "i guess? i just met her so i tried to make a good impression. i think she didn't notice." 
  louis grabs his ass, harry doesn't respond to it, completely oblivious."well maybe you should ditch her and come test out this pussy, huh?" he purrs into harry's ear. harry doesn't listen to a word louis says.
    "whatcha say?" he turns around to louis, who took his hands off his ass and looks at him with an annoyed expression, crossing his arms.
   "nothing, harry." harry nods.  they walk out the classroom, louis is blabbering about some new pizza place he wants to check out when harry sees franny. she was digging in her belly button, trying to find something at her locker.
  "-but anyways... i was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me?" louis says, playing with his fingers. harry ignores him and runs to Franny, who already spotted him and tried to escape to the girls room. louis frowns. "i guess i'll talk to you later." he shouts then walks away sadly as harry stops Franny from going into the restroom.
poor louis :(


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