I stood up "I better go to my next class" Louis laughed again "we have free period to sign up for the clubs" "oh. I better go find Darren, Liam and Kirk. See you later Louis" Louis smiled and said "sure"

I ran out of the class. Where are they? Finally I saw them near my locker. Darren crossed his arms "what took you so long?" I smirked "I fell asleep" Liam and Kirk chuckled.

I asked Darren "what are you gonna take?" "The Beats Club"

I look at him.

He looks at me


After a while I said "would you care to explain what that is?" Liam and Kirk laughed out loud.

Darren rolled his eyes "it's like the dancing club" Whoa. Darren dances? I never knew. I'm such a bad cousin.

I looked at Kirk "you?" "The basketball club" I nodded. I looked at Liam "how about you?" Liam smiled "The Song Club. It's the singing club"

I jumped up and down "me too!" Liam laughed and said "we better go sign up now" I nodded.

We left Darren and Kirk. Liam pointed to a green paper "there" I nodded. Liam said "but e still have to audition you know" I smiled "I know" We got the pen and put our names "Niall Horan and Liam Payne"

Liam asked "who else is signing up?" I looked through the list "wow. There's a lot of girls...and Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles" Liam rolled his eyes "typical"

I remember something that Louis said "They changed you know?"

"who changed?"

"them. Louis said so"

"I have to see it to believe it"

I shrugged "okay"

We tried looking for Darren and Kirk but they were gone. Liam said "they're probably signing up or something" I nodded.

We went to the Cafeteria to get some food, for me obviously. I bought a bag of chips. There were so many people, Liam asked "wanna go to the rooftop" I said "sure. Anything to get away from these people"

We went to the rooftop. By the time we were there I was gasping for breathe. Liam chuckled "You better work out" I rolled my eyes "whatever"

We opened the door. To our dismay someone else was there. 3 people actually.

Louis said "Hi Niall. Hi Liam" Liam grew stiff beside me. I smiled "Hi Louis." Zayn said "why don't you join us?" I said "okay?" I dragged Liam all the way there.

Harry stood up, went to Liam and said "Hey Liam, we're sorry that we used to bully you. That was kinder garden okay? I hope you can forgive us"

I looked at Liam. He looked hesitant, after a while he finally said "okay" Harry chuckled and patted his back.

I asked them "what are you guys doing here?" Zayn was fixing his hair "trying to get away from the crowd" Louis said "girls keep bugging us and I swear the The Song Club sign up sheet is full of girls just because someone" he looked at Harry "gave away what club we're signing"

Harry rolled his eyes "i was being nice plus I bet half the girls there won't even get in" I laughed. So much for him for being nice.

Liam was still pretty tense. I patted his back and told him it was alright.

Liam nodded and asked "why did you guys suddenly become nice?" Harry laughed "why? we can't be?"

Liam rolled his eyes. Harry said "just kidding. I guess we had a taste of our medicine back then." he suddenly became quiet. Zayn stopped fixing his hair. Louis hugged Harry.

Whatever happened to them might be actually bad. And I think Liam actually feels sorry for them.

Louis said "since the day is almost gonna end. How about we go to Mcdonald's?" I looked at Liam and I looked back at Louis "My cousin will pick me up and I don't know how to go home form Mcdonald's" Zayn said "we'll bring you home"

Liam nodded "okay then" I nodded too.

I texted Erik and Darren that Louis will be bringing me home. We went downstairs. All the girls suddenly started squealing.

"Ohmygod Niall you're so cute!" "Harry! Marry me!" "Louis! Why cant you love me the way you love carrots?' "Zayn. You look great!" and lastly "Liam. Father my children!"

I swear I was laughing at the last one. Liam was blushing and the other 3 boys were chuckling.

We got into Louis' car. Harry was in front, I sat between Zayn and Liam. I asked Louis "you're old enough to drive?" Louis chuckled then nodded.

I looked at Liam, he was actually comfortable now.

I smiled at him and he smiled back and whispered "I believe you now"

Being a High School Student ( A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now