Chapter 15: The Date.

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Bill's P.O.V.

It wasn't to hard keeping (Y/n) from the Mystery Shack, all I had to do was suggest (Y/n) to go hang out with Wendy and her friends.

It was around 6:45 when we started to walk back to the Shack.

"So, how was your day?" I ask trying to make small talk.

"It was great!" (Y/n) says, "The gang and I went and played hide and seek in the mall. Thompson accidentally tackled a mannequin when he was trying to tackle Lee. Security was not happy." I chuckled at that.

We made it to the Shack right at 7. We walked up and saw a note on the door.

"Have fun tonight guys! Bill remember what I told you last night in my dream."


"What are you planning?" (Y/n) asks.

"Oh nothing, just a little movie night that's all."

"Um, okay?"

We walked into the house, it looked like no one was there. "So, what movie do you want to watch?" (Y/n) asks as she looks through the movies.

"How about a horror movie. I love them." I said.

"Uh, I don't know, I don't really watch horror movies, I sometimes get really scared." (Y/n) confessed.

"Don't worry, I'll be here to comfort you, besides most horror movies aren't that scary."

"Okay then."

I picked a horror movie that I thought wasn't to scary and plopped it in the DVD player.

"What movie are we watching?" (Y/n) asked. "(Horror movie of your choice.)" (Y/n) looked at little scared but she tried not to show it.

Time skip!!!

We were in the middle of the movie, so far (Y/n) had only screamed once so I'm guessing she's okay. I looked down at her, her eyes were closed shut as she wrapped her arms around her legs, she looked like a ghost, her face was unnaturally pale.

"You okay?" I whispered into her ear.

"Never better." She sarcastically said. I chuckled I wrapped my arm around her waist and she let out a little yelp.

"It's okay, it's just me." I cooed.

"Why did you pick this movie?! It's so creepy!" She whispered/screamed.

"Oh come on, it's not that scary."

"Then why is that guy killing people?! First he stabs them, then he rips their face off, then he crushes their heart! How is that guy not getting caught by the police?!"

"Well he either must be really good at his job, or the police in this movie are really lousy."

"I think I'm going to go and get some fresh air." (Y/n) says.


Your P.O.V.

'Ahhhhhhh!' You thought in your head. 'Come on (Y/n), you can do this! It's only a movie, just a silly little movie." You walk back into the Shack only to see someone screaming for their life. You dashed back outside.

After a while you got the courage to go back inside. When you got to the couch you see the ending credits to the movie. "I missed the rest of the movie?!"

"Yep, do you want to rewatch the parts that you missed?" Bill asks.


You went over to the DVD player and plopped in another movie to calm you down. You sat next to Bill who draped his arm around shoulders.

"So, what are we watching?" He asked

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" He whined.

"Whats wrong with it?" You asked.

"Disney is for kids." He stated.

"No it's not! Disney has lots of hidden jokes in them only adults would understand. Also Disney is for all ages."

"Who says?" He asks.

"Well first of all I do, second of all if Disney was just for kids then why would they sell alcohol at Disneyland and Walt Disney World?" He looked kind of stumped. "Just enjoy the movie."

Time skip!

"This is torture! Why are you making me watch this?!" Bill whined.

"If you keep whining I'll put Frozen in." You threatened.

"No no, I'll stop. Just please, Never. Play. Frozen." You chuckled.

Another time skip!

"That's creepy!"

"What's creepy Bill?"

"Well first the dwarfs won't bury the freaking dead body, then they make a glass coffin with a door that you can open at any time, just imagine a hiker stumbling upon that, they would probably freak out! Then this guy comes and kisses the DEAD CORPSE!"

"Shh it's Disney, all of their movies have flaws."

"I guess."

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