She put the box down and removed the earrings she was wearing and then put in the studs. She asked, 

"How do they look?" 

"Just beautiful. They and you," he replied. 

She bounced up off the chair and hurried to look in a mirror that hung over a couch. Harry watched as she turned her head this way and that. She turned to face Harry. 

"They are just spectacular, sweetheart. Thank you, so much," she said and then hurried over to him. 

She took the book from him and tossed it on a chair and then sat down on his lap. She put her arms around his neck and started kissing him. It was a kiss that lasted for some time. When they finally separated, Ginny snuggled down closer to him and with her head on his shoulder she said, 

"That wasn't so much for the gift itself, Harry, as it was for the thought that was behind it. When you do these things it makes me, all of us really, feel so special because of all the caring and effort you put into it. I just wish I had yours ready," she said. 

"I have everything that I need and want right here," he said rubbing his cheek against the top of her head. 

She murmured a little bit and then sitting upright and looking at her husband said, "That may be so, and I love hearing you say it but I think I do have an idea that you'll appreciate." 

With that she slid off his lap, took hold of his hands and tugged him out of his chair. When he was standing up she hooked his arm with hers and led him to their room for a gift giving that lasted well into the early morning hours. 

The next morning found the Potter household very hectic indeed. Harry and Ginny were both a little slow getting out of bed and by the time they had, they found that Abagail had gotten James up, dressed and fed, once more endearing herself to her parents. Eventually everyone was fed and dressed, presents pulled together, last minute wrapping done, and carry bags were filled. The three house elves, each with a small spring of holly pinned to his vest, were the first to leave for the Burrow carrying contributions from the pantry. Harry did a last minute check of the basement to make sure no one was still down there and then they were off. 

All four members of the Potter family arrived in the snow covered back yard of the Burrow. James was spared wet shoes and pants legs since he was being carried. Harry looked down at their snow covered feet and said with a laugh, 

"I didn't think about that." 

"I didn't either, sweetheart, but don't worry. I'm sure Mum and Dad have a fire going so we'll dry off soon enough." 

As usual, Ginny was the first to the door which she pushed open and shouted inside, 

"Mum! Dad! We're here!" 

Harry and Abagail looked at each other and smiled. Harry shifted James up higher and carried him and three bags of presents into the house. It likely had never occurred to Harry to just levitate everything into the house. As they entered the warm kitchen they were greeted by Gran and Granddad Weasley. Arthur took James from Harry while Mrs. Weasley smothered Abagail in a big hug. Harry started to walk toward the living room with his bags when a hand shot out to grab his wrist. 

"And just where do you think you're going, young fella me lad," asked Mrs. Weasley. 

Harry put his bags down on the floor and wrapped his arms around his mum, who enthusiastically returned the embrace. 

"Ah, now that's more the thing. How have you been, Harry? We haven't seen you since Halloween." 

"I'm fine, Mum. Everything is going very well." 

Professor Potterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें