You (Finally) Move In!

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"S-still." He objected, still beet red.

I made a face. "Maxx! I'm not going to have you sleep on an old bed that's bound to fall apart in a matter of seconds! Besides, you wouldn't fit in my bed from home. Only I can."

He then instantly relaxed. "Oh. Okay. Yeah, you're right. I do need a new bed." And he started marching off to go find one.

With a smirk, I gave him a hug from behind and whispered. "I'm not quite there yet in the relationship and I would always ask for your permission first if we can take that step."

He went red again. "Thanks, I guess."

I kissed him on the cheek and kept a smug grin to myself. I wasn't as innocent as I looked.

Zach DeWall:

I looked at the house and bit my lip. I turned to Zach and I could see the frustration flicker in his eyes before saying, "Not this one either?"

"I mean it looks like a cute house, just not, ours." I still couldn't believe I was saying that. Our house! It was like a dream come true! I could almost die, I was so excited.

"Alright." He rubbed his eyes quick and then drove on.

I felt guilty so I said, "Sorry I'm being difficult. I just want our house to be perfect. LIKE THAT ONE!" I squealed when I saw it flash outside his window. He slammed on the breaks and I was almost flung through the windshield.

"Don't. Do. That." He scolded with such intensity.

I reeled back a little and muttered a small, "Sorry."

He turned to look out his window and asked, "Which one?"

I unbuckled and practically climbed on top of him. I didn't notice his face turn pink. I pointed to the house two down from the one right outside his window. "That one." I breathed.

I sat back down as he put the car in reverse. When I saw the house up close, I knew for 100% sure THAT was the house Zach and I were going to live in. Best part was, it was even for sale!

Zach looked up the address online and frowned. "Angel, it's a little out of our price range. Maybe we should look at some others before we decide on this."

Well, I sure wasn't going to be having any of THAT! "Are you kidding me?! We've been house hunting for almost a week now and I've turned down every single one! Now that you finally pleased the world's harshest critic you're going to take this away from me? Nu-uh! We're buying this house! Besides, it's not THAT far out of our price range. It could always be MUCH worse."

He sighed and smiled, before kissing me on the lips and murmuring, "Fine. Whatever you say sweetheart."

I smiled, a little more smug this time. "That's more like it."

Dan Clermont:

What was there to move in? He kept all my things, however he packed all my things away in the basement. He was too distraught to see any of my belongings and I didn't blame him. But, that means we have the fun task of hauling everything upstairs and back into his room.

"Seriously? Did you have to pack everything so full? I'm going to break my back before we finish!" I groaned, rubbing my aching back.

He rolled his eyes. "Well maybe if you didn't buy all this useless crap, then maybe these boxes wouldn't be so heavy."

"Oh? You call this junk?" I held up his old sweatshirt he gave to me because it outgrew him but fit me like a glove.

He glared back at me. "Besides that. Like this." He held up my old stuffed bear.

I gasped. "You KNOW why I have that!"

He started to laugh. "Yeah because you get nightmares." He mocked and I turned a sour shade of red.

"I do." I growled, clenching my fists. "And she provides comfort for me when I need it most."

He stopped laughing at looked at me in the eyes. "Baby girl. You have me for that and you know that. I hate seeing you so scared when you have a nightmare and it's even worse when you go to the bear and not me."

I gave him a sympathetic look. "Oh Danny. Are we a little jealous?" I started to giggle.

Now it was his turn to turn red. "N-no! That w-would be ridiculous!" He stuttered.

I laughed and pulled him into a kiss. "No need to be jealous. From now on, you'll be my teddy bear when I have a nightmare."

"That's all I ask." He smiled and we picked up our boxes again.

"Also, I'm still keep her. She's a childhood treasure." I argued as he rolled his eyes again.

"Just not in the bed. Deal?"


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