chapter six

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"Where are we going?" I begged. The car was hot and I was getting tired. He just shrugged and bit his lip trying to hide a smile "If you don't tell me ... then Ill ask management "

"That would be very childish. Don't you think love?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Were at the beach?" I said stupidly

"No. Really?Is that where we are?" He replied sarcasticly. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. The smell of Saltwater filled the air. The breeze blew my hair lightly and the sun warmed my shoulders.

Liam got out of the car too.

"Just walk next to me. We just technically have to sit on the damn sand for the next hour" He said

I walked next to him on the pavement until we got to the sand. I took of my heels and walked with them in my hand. No one noticed us .

"Let's just sit here" Liam said. We were standing in the middle of the beach. The sun was light and not hot. Sitting down on the white dress. Awkward silence! This would get really annoying. Liam was quite.Sitting cross legged and looking at the sand.

"You know Liam if were going to be together for the next almost 2 years,we should at least be friends"

"Yeah" He said.

"Hi. My name is Jamie. I'm 18 and I love the colour white" I said putting my hand out

"What the hell are you doing?" He looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Making friends"

"Okay" He took my hand "Hi. My name is Liam. I'm 20 and I like the color Purple"

"Nice to meet you" I smile shaking his hand

"So friend" Liam said "Tell me about you"

"My name is Jamie Clive. I'm 18 and I come from Holmes Chapel. I have 2 siblings. My favorite food is bread and butter-"

"Bread and butter?"

"Yeah. But fresh out of the oven bread"

"Okay. Continue "

"I like having fun. My hobbies are Listning to Music,reading,writing and sleeping. And yeah that's about it. You're turn"

"My name Is Liam. I'm 20. I'm in One Direction and I love Singing. I like chocolate and Yep. Anything else you need to know you can Google "

I rolled my eyes sarcasticly.

"Oh my God. Its Liam Payne" Someone screamed.

"Liam do you think we should-"

"Yeah. Totally"

We instantly shot up. A mob was forming.  Lam Gave me a scared look. I grabbed his hand and pulled him. we ran.

"Get them" A voice called. Cameras started flashing everywhere.

We were fast... but there were just as fast.

Someone grabbed my dress causing me to fall over. Liam came down with me, Causing me to fall on top of him. A croud formed around us. Liam and I tangled together. Camras flasshed in my eyes causing me to become blind. I had lost my vission. Girls were screaming. People comming on top of us. Liam was getting totally harassed. Grabbing him by the shouldners I managed to get him out of the Croud. His lip was bleeding and his leg a bit cut. I managed to pull him to the car safely.

I sighed in relief as soon as we got in the car.

"Well that was something" Liam said

"Yeah" I agreed "Fun though"

"Jamie... Your head is bleeding and your hairs a mess"


"How was that fun?"

"Adrenaline "

He rolled his eyes "You're completely bonkers"

The ridebback to the hotel was silent. But it wasn't awkward silent. The radio played in the background. I listened to the music and let the sound drown me.

Today went horribly but it wasn't as bad as I thought.


As soon as we got back to the hotel I walked to my room bare footed. The Heels were still in my hand. Liams room was just across mine.. not that it mattered. As soon as I got in the room I took a hot shower and washed off allvthe sand and blood. Slipping on my short brown vest and denim shorts I sat on my bed and flicked the channels. Until I felt sleepy. 4:30pm Maybe I could take a nap. And that's what I did

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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