New start

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Sans Pov
Frisk just opened the barrier everyone was happy and I'm happy there happy........

*First day of school*
As me and The others got into our new school ,we waited outside the principals office (There not in trouble k?).As the others were talking I just stared at other students hey call me weird I don't care you're reading a fanfic about a skeleton and you!
The heck Sans!You just broke the fourth wall!*fixes fourth wall*
Now as I was saying I just stared at other students cause I was bored,then a group of 5 humans entered school ,then everyone  started moving at the side I'm guessing there the popular kids.As they passed by the girl wearing a f/c jacket and f/S noticed I was looking at her .She smiled and winked at me.I blushed a dark blue then "You guys may come in now"the secretary said ,as we entered we saw the principal"ah there are the new comers welcome to (enter highschool name) since you guys are new here I have to call some students to give you guys a tour."he told us with a smile "Y/N,Jake,Max,Star,and Lena pls come to my office you are not in trouble."The principal said over the PA
The door to the principals office and I noticed they were the popular kids."Hello there children as you can see we have our new comers here and I would like you guys to give them a tour.Children I would you to meet the schools band members This is Max our drummer .Max you will be showing Papyrus around.Star,our Base player you will be showing Undyne and Alphys.Lena,our singer you will be showing Mettaton and Blooky around.Jake,our Electric guitar player you will be showing Frisk around(Frisk is a girl).And last but not the least y/n Jake's twin and our lead singer y/n you will be showing Sans around.Now that is settled I have to go are you guys still up for your performance later?" "Yes sir."Y/N said then we left.The others Already left then Y/N took out her phone and then she looked at me "Why are you still here?"she told me with a disgusted look"aren't you gonna show me around?"I said annoyed"Ha!As if I will !"Then she started laughing but not the mean kind"Hhahahahha.Sorry dude I was just messing with ya welcome to (high school name).Come on let's go!"she told me with a kind smile.

As y/n showed me around the bell rang and we had to go to the gym."we'll see yah later Sans I gotta go remember call me if someone bully's you k or if you have any trouble bye Sans !"She said as she ran she gave me her phone number awhile ago.
As we sat at the gym with the others the principal went up stage "Welcome back every one as you all know every time we start our school year we all ways have our welcoming presentations.I present you the (Band name)!"then everyone started clapping loudly .
Then y/n and her band mates and other students started singing.

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