"hello peasants! i am here to stunt on y'all, ugly bitches." i say walking into the dirty classroom full of all these animals.
"bitch, no one knows you." someone from across the room yells at me, the queen. i gave them a stank face before sitting down in my seat. someone throws a paper ball at the back of my head but i brush it off. must be someone trying to get my attention.
"okay. today class, we will be going outside because y'all look a little pale. stop being inside all the time and get some air, ghosts." ms. iforgothername exclaims. everyone groans.
"but ms.fisher-" oh, that's her last name? well she do smell like fish. "-i can't go outside the doc-"
"does it looks like i care, angelica?" she snaps. i giggle a bit. that bitch had it coming, saying she got a 'back problem' so she can't go outside. girl, bye.
"what's so funny, ms.ithinkimcute." she looks down at me. i look at her astonished. did this bitch really just try me? honey, you've got a big storm coming.
"i don't know why don't you tell me. ms.myhusbandleftbecausemypussyisfishy?" i spit back. the class 'ou's and she stays silent for a few moments before speaking.
"anyway-" yeah bitch stay silent. she fixes her skirt, which doesn't match with her blouse at all. "-we will be going outside and try to appreciate the world we live on before, you know, we die." she says bluntly. before she continues, the door busts open, it's the old ass principal.
"hello, children. i'm not sorry for disturbing your class, this isn't math or english so it's fine." ms.fisher looks at him with a shocked face. he's not wrong.
"this is your new student. he'll introduce his self because i gotta go to court." he is currently fighting a custody battle over his kids with his third wife, who's now divorcing him. sometimes we hear him in his office, crying while watching porn. it's sad.
the kid walks in and he's so dramatic like ok we get it, you're new and shit. just take a seat and shut up. i swear, everyone starts talking about him as soon as they see his face. he's. not. even. cute. well he is but like he's okay. he's not cuter than me.
"i know this is inappropriate but like damn you're hot. what's your name, sweetie." ms. fisher says, biting her lip looking at him. he looks disturbed by her comment but he brushes it off.
"i'm styles, harry styles." he smiles. everyone falls for his trap.....but me. he can't fool me with his looks. everyone here is a fucking idiot i swear.
"you're hot, can you sit next to me." angelica says pushing henry out of his seat, right next to her. harry politely declined and takes a seat next to me instead. honey, did you ask?•••••••
bitch i don't know. it's 7 in the morning i didn't sleep lmao.