Chapter 1: I'm already late

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The sweet sound of Jon Pardi singing, Heartache on the Dance Floor met my ears.

My alarm was going off on my phone. I groggily leaned over wiping my eyes to grab my pink-camo otter box. Damn Jon, you sure know how to wake a girl up in the morning. I mused and stretched out my body clicking the power button to my i-phone 6s.

7:35 a.m....

"7:35 in the damn morning!" I yelled, scrambling to throw the tan covers off my warm and cozy self. My wild blue eyes went wide, my brain still registering how late it was. Ohhhh no, not today Ari, not-to-frickin-day, I scolded myself. Being late happened to be one of my stronger suits, as well as sleeping through alarm clocks set for 7:00 am.

Today happened to be the first day of Senior year of high school for me. At a brand new city-slicker school. Yay...

I ran to my closet filled to the brim with muddin', huntin', fishin', and rodeo clothes and started to throw on my jeans when I stopped. Wait, what should I actually wear? Maybe trying to fit in at school on the first day wasn't such a far fetched idea. My country accent would already set me apart from everyone else. I threw off the bootcut jeans in a matter of seconds and slipped on some denim skinny jeans over my tan legs. I grabbed a cropped white tank top that tied in the middle and showed my toned abs from working on the ranch. I then paired it with my holed up white (now brown thanks to the countless hours spent in the in the arena) Vans.

I slide over to my small nightstand to take a time check. 7:45.

"Arizona James you need to move your ass right now" I quickly mumbled to myself as I turned to the left and ran down the wood covered hall, to Brantley's room.

I burst through my brother's door and started flipping the light switch like crazy, yelling, "BRANTLEY GET THE HELL UP. WE ARE SOOO LATE FOR SCHOOL."

I looked at the giant American Flag that marked my brothers bed in the corner of the room. Brantley popped his head up, snatching his black pillow from under his dark brown hair and threw it across the room hitting me square in the chest. As the pillow dropped I saw the fierce look of pure rage in his bright blue eyes. I tried to stifle a laugh, but he looked so funny when he was pissed.

"I'M UP, QUIT SCREAMIN' LIKE THE FLIPPIN' RANCH IS ON FIRE. MY GOD." He said waving his hands around his head, getting out of his bed. In that moment I decided it was best to get out of the steaming bull's way and leave.

"Sorry bud, but you got 15 minutes!" I laughed, running from the blue painted room of Brantley's.

I zipped past my room and straight into the bathroom at the end of the hall.

"Okay makeup, let's do this." I said, pulling out my drawers. I threw my long, sun kissed brown hair up into a messy bun on my head to keep it out of the way. I started to apply concealer under my sleep-deprived eyes.

"ARIZONA AND BRANTLEY YA'LL SHOULD BE GONE BY NOW FOR SCHOOL." I heard my mom screaming downstairs more random things of what we should be doing and how getting to school late on the first day was uncalled for.

"Oh yeah Mom. I chose to sleep through my alarm and be late, an even better way to draw attention to myself." I muttered sarcastically back. I was so not looking forward to being the new kid, especially for senior year. I've loved living on ranches my whole life. This summer my family and I moved in to our new 20,000 acre ranch and settled in. It was enough to fit a herd of 32 cattle, and then some, and still have land to be used as pastures for the horses. The ranch was gorgeous, and had wide, rich green fields.

Our summer consisted of setting up the arena, pens, and fences. Trust me it was the not the kind of summer I wanted to be having. Going camping, fishing and playing in the mud with all my friends back home is what I was killing for right now. And moving from our little ranch, in a small town in Tennessee, came as a shock. My daddy got offered a new job here in Austin, Texas, to run a ranch for our neighbors. He said yes, and here we are.

Our arena is on the other side of the ranch across from our house, with lights and small stands. The stables were set up next to the right of it that housed the horses and the wash rack for them. Along side our house was a green, metal barn that held the hay and feed for them. Outside of it was a room that we put tack and riding gear in. The rest of the ranch was split up into sections for the cattle and horses when we turned them out.

I had to admit it was a beautiful ranch. And on the bright side of moving, competition for rodeo was high here and made me excited to start practicing. I just hoped that some of the kids I went to school were as country as we all were.

I had finished applying my concealer, setting powder, and then a bit of bronzer. I threw on some mascara and lip balm. Next I sprayed some cheap Bath And Bodyworks spray and brushed my teeth. I scramble back down the hallway to my pink, and tan themed room. 

Checking the time, I grabbed my leather, long-strapped purse with fringe at the bottom and started stuffing crap in that I needed for school. Calculator, notebook paper, pencils, pens, a big binder and some folders should be good enough.

8:05 a.m

Oh shit. I ran out of my beautiful, cozy room and straight down the carpet covered stair case that lead to the living room. I could still hear Brantley upstairs shuffling about along the wooden floors of our house.

I pulled my hair out of the bun and let my curls from yesterday fall down to skim the top of my butt. I steered right of the living room and straight into the kitchen to see what momma was doing.

"Ari you and your brother should already be out that door and on your way to school right now! Schools starts at 8:30 and you got yourselves a half hour drive!"  She said under the small low-hanging light fixtures that had horses stained in the glass. My momma was a short woman with bright blonde hair and piercing light blue eyes. Me and bother definitely got our eyes from her.

"I know I know Momma, why didn't you wake me up?!" I said back walking over to get my keys from one of the hooks from our metal key holder by the back door.

She stepped out from behind the small wooden island in the center of the kitchen revealing her bright pink set of pajamas.

"I just woke up Arizona, and you can't just expect me to wake you up in the morning. It's your senior year, you're 17 years old. And Brantley's a junior and 16. I mean I think you guys can handle waking yourself up in the morning." She scolded, crossing her arms. Even when she was mad momma was cute as a button.

"Alright fine, but-"

I was cutoff by Brantley swerving around the corner. He wore denim, bootcut jeans, black vans, his belt buckle, and a dark blue v-neck with his black backpack. "Listen ladies, I know ya'll just love bickering, but we are later than Grandpa Jerry showin' up to Grandma Linda's 80th birthday party. Now let's move." He walked by me flashing his pearly whites, grabbed the keys to our truck from my hand, and strolled out the screen door. I rolled my eyes. Brantley thought he could smooth talk anybody with his accent like mine, including God himself.


Hey ya'll! My name is Cassidy Miller, this is my very first book on Wattpad! I hope ya'll enjoy, if you do please comment, share, and vote. Makes me know that ya'll want more :))

Thank you!

P.S. I'm probably going to add a prologue/summary at the beginning to introduce you all to the characters! I'm still deciding some things for the plot, and then it'll be up.

What do ya'll think of Arizona and Brantley!? I tried to base him off my brother, just changed his looks. I think they definitely resemble each other XD. Leave me comments!

Love ya'll so much, XOXO. <3 <3

Update// I'm going to be updating soon! YEE YEE! The more votes I get the faster I'll update 💕☺️//

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