Sixteen -- What!?

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There are some moments in books that include Billionaires that leaves me wondering about the mental state of the author when writing.


1. When she works for him and buy her a new iphone and apple laptop and she refuses.

Now, is you okay honey? Are you fine? Did you hit your god damned head? He is giving you a phone that some of us can't afford and probably never will so why not just take it??? 

You take it, you bless him and you move on..okay!

2. When she meets the guy in a coffee shop, gets fired for spilling coffee on him and then she ends up working as his personal assistant.

Should I go spilling coffee on random rich guys too? Maybe I'll get a job after.

3. When she meets a guy and two chapters later, they are 'fakely' engaged.

Did you hit you head honey? I mean come on, which girl or person in general would just go and get into a fake relationship with someone for money..........Well, I mean I would but that's besides the point!

4. When he messes up  and then decides to buy her a car.

I for one would ensure that he buys me a car every time he does something bad. The guy is freaking rich, why not enjoy it? Or maybe even let him buy you a house? I'm just saying, if he's willing to spend money on you then let him! L-E-T him!

5. When he says "I'll do anything. Anything you want, I'll get it." and she's like "I don't want anything Christian."

Me: *Pulls out mile long list of things I want* "Since you insist."

6.When she loves jumping to conclusions and being over dramatic. Let me demonstrate.

I walk into the office, a bright smile on my face. Last night with Christian was amazing, I have never felt so loved before. The way he treated me, it was so wonderful. He made me feel wanted. I've never been taken cared of as much as last night.

I place my bag on my desk and head towards his office to greet him. I didn't bothering knocking since it was unlikely for him to be kissing or having sex with some random woman on the table. I laugh at the thought and push the door open but I stop dead in my tracks and gasp at the sight of the woman hugging Christian.

Both of their grey eyes darted to mine and I stood rooted to the ground. The woman looked extremely similar to Christian with the same heavy set grey eyes and dark curly hair.

"I can't believe you could do this to me! After last night!" I shouted disgusted at him.

"Emily, what are you-

I didn't let him finish as I stormed out, grabbing my bag as I head for the elevator.

I felt Christian's strong grip on my arm, tugging me back to him.

"What is the matter?"

"You and that woman is the matter! Last night you said you'd rather be with me anyday than some skank. You're a liar!"

"Emily that's my sister and why are you talking about last night like that, we just went to KFC."


The fact that she mentioned the two looked alike and yet still didn't take the time to think that they were related? And cheating? Bitchhhhhhh! That dude ain't even think of you.................he was probably more entranced with the chicken! I would be!

Author's tend to have the main characters, especially the females be wayyyyy to dramatic! It's not a damn play people, just a need for that much drama. I mean yeah, the story needs a little here and there but damn it!

Who else thought they had sex and not just went out for dinner? At KFC? 






Typical dumb Wattpad stereotypesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora