Chapter 9: Emma

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  • Dedicated to Emma

Monday September 2, 11:30 am

All I could hear is the pounding of my heart. I was struggling so hard to keep running. Adrenaline is coursing through me, my breaths strained. Finally! I could see the house. We rushed through the gates and through the front door, collapsing onto the couches in the living room.

"That was awesome!" I said. We are all in our bikinis and carrying waterguns. The prank we just pulled on the guys was awesome!

"I know right?" Chloe replied to me with a smile.

"I had no idea that was so fun!" I shouted breathlessly. I was still trying to catch my breath from running half way across campus, just in case the guys started chasing us. I don't think they did though. I feel bad for doing that to them......

My thoughts were interrupted by pounding on the door. We all gasped and immediately sat up. We all had wide eyes and didn't dare to breathe. We were responded to with more pounding on the door.

Amy finally got up and said, "Everyone stay here. I'll deal with them."

We all held our breath while she quietly got up and walked to the door. We heard her open the door and were all anxious to see who it was. We ran to the window to see if it was the guys. We all relaxed when we look out and see it is just Auntie Linda. She had forgotten her key, again. Being 28, she loses things a lot.

When Amy came back she explained to us who it was. We didnt let her finish though, because we already knew what happened. The same thing that happens at least once a week.

"So.... was that awesome or what?" Claire asked anxiously, standing up into the middle of the group.

"Uh, yeah!" everyone yelled back at her, smiling. We suddenly all broke out laughing!

I can't tell them now, I can't do this to them now. I can't do this to HIM! They cannot know I'm dating him.......

"Ahhh!" Chloe screamed as she jumped on top of me. I screamed in response, trying to get out of the way but she pinned me down. We started wrestling on the couch and all I could hear was the two of us laughing. We roll off the couch and scream. I was suddenly laying on the ground next the Chloe, the wind knocked out of me, laughing my lungs out! Everyone started laughing at us and pried us apart, helping us to stand up.

"Okay you two, cut it out," Nat said laughing.

"Sorry Emma. You looked like you were like, in a trance. I thought you like were having a seizure or something," Chloe said, still trying to catch her breath, not sounding serious at all.

"Seriously Chloe?" I asked her, my eyebrow slowly rising.

"No. I just wanted to scare you," she explained laughing again.

"Oh Chloe," Bri said sighing, giving her a hug from behind.

When we finally calmed down, we all went upstairs to change. I had to change quickly if I was going to grab something to eat and get across campus to go to biology at half past noon.

I made it into the classroom, Chloe and Bri trailing behind me, just as the bell rang. We were doing frog dissection that day and Chloe started looking a little queasy. She only took biology because I had to. She HATES biology. When I looked at her again, she had that same stone faced look she wore when they announced the team matchups at the meeting for Prank Week.

"You okay?" I asked Chloe, rubbing her shoulder. She slowly nodded, letting out a deep breath, closing her eyes.

"I'm fine. I just..... you do all the cutting okay?" she said quickly. I nodded and turned my attention back to the teacher. She was explaining how to complete the dissection. If only Chloe knew about Jacob, she'd be a whole lot queasier. It was a known fact among us girls that anything from biology diagrams to actual blood creeps Chloe out. The insides of things just rub her the wrong way.

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