They stood toe to toe and Valdus had his fist close to his side while the older man did the same. "I need this Valdus! I need this!" He growled but it was a whimper and growl.

I saw Valdus eyes change from anger to sorrow, "I can't dad. I can't!" I slightly gasp and continue to listen.

"Please." His 'dad' gripped his shoulder and shook them. "Please!" He growled. Valdus shook his head but got a punch from it. My eyes grew wide at what just happen and he growled. "Do it for me!" He growled while giving another punch.

"What don't you get Dad! I can't-" he brought his head down and slammed his nose into his knee, making the sound of bone crunching. Valdus groan and growled at the same time and pushed his father away. "I cant put you in even more pain! Face it dad! Mom is dead! Jenna is dead! Nothing you can do but think about her! She's your mate! I know that! But she was my mother and you know damn well she wouldn't want this! You know damn well she wouldn't want you to be locked in fûckin silver! I don't know what you did to her, but I know she won't let this happen if she was here-" he growled loud and slammed his fist in his broken nose again and slammed his other one on the side of his temple.

I held back my own growl and I held my ground from busting-

What the hell?!? No, I was not thinking about going to help him!

He pushed his father away and growled. "Fight out your pain! That's all you ever do! You never visit her grave stone! You too pathetic to visit you DEAD MATES GRAVE!-" then he got attacked again.

My eyebrows furrowed when I saw Valdus taking the hits and slashes. He wasn't fighting back. He took the pain and held his ground. He kicked his father back and popped his nose back in place. He gave a low growl and wiped the side of his mouth. "You know it Alcander. You know it damn well, if you show up to her grave you'll completely go insane. So you stay in doors. You stay hidden because your pack changed, you changed this pack. You changed. You know damn well you changed and you know damn well you did it because of moms death! Use her death as a reminder! Not as a fûckin-"

"You don't know how it is to lose your mate! It fûcks with your head Valdus and you can clearly see it! You have hallucinations on what ever memory you have of her! Everywhere you took her or where you seen her walk. You remember the beginning and most definitely you remember the end! Let me kill your mate so you ca-"

He growled and I see his fist closing tight against his sides. "If you ever threaten my ma-"

"It's going to happen son, it's in your fûckin blood to destroy what ever threats your title!" He growled.

"Exactly!" He shifted and ran towards his father. My grew wide while his dad stood there with a blank face.

He went to jump on him but he moved just in time and grabbed the scuff of his neck and slammed him to the ground dragging him to the collar and locking against his skin.

And his growl was heard from in here and out in the pack.




*runs out while dropping my cup of tea*

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon...


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