#21 - Age Changes You

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I am a little girl,

I am five years old.

Boys make me hurl,

but maybe I will like them, I've been told

by my Mummy and my Daddy,

they know everything!

My Daddy is a huge teddy

and my Mummy can cook anything!

I love my best friend Lola,

she is the best friend ever!

Her best drink's Cola

so is mine, we are going to be best friends forever!

I'm a young adult,

I'm fifteen years old.

Everything I do is an insult,

apparently my voice's always cold.

I have the stress of exams,

I have the joy of discovery.

I have to look after my stones, pounds, and grams,

from bullying I still have to deal with the recovery.

I can't talk back to my Parents,

I can't tell my teachers where to stick it.

I have to permanently act pleasant,

and always wish to grow up fit.

I am a fully - fledged adult,

I am thirty years old.

I have a family as a result

of marrying someone so bold.

My son is adorable,

he's turning eight today.

Not at all like the others they're horrible,

no my son's perfect in every single way.

Most teenagers are irresponsible,

but not all of them, however,

the media seems responsible

for making opinions everywhere.

I am an aged adult.

I am seventy four years old.

Most young people say I'm in a cult,

and that my skin is about to mould.

But they can't help but have sex

and give birth all the time nowadays.

I wonder if they pay their alimony checks?

Anyway, they should learn in the ways

of life. These "Goth" people are scary,

and these "Emo" people are positively frightful!

The way they dress gave a heart attack to Mary,

yes these teenagers are completely spiteful!


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Thank you for this! Every read gives me that confidence boost to write more!

GKGarrington xxxx 

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