Friend Zone - Seth Freakin' Rollins

902 36 2

For baba-yaga-bitch

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I came barreling through his front door, flinging my brown hair over my shoulder to take in the room, my chest heaving up and down with urgency. "Whoa, we're best friends and all but the least you could do is knock. What if I was dancing around in my birthday suit to Katy Perry?" Seth asked from the top of his staircase, my eyes scanned the rest of the room.

"You texted me 911, what's the emergency?" I gasped for air, my heart still pounded in my ears. His long legs made their way down the steps as he shrugged.

"I need help setting up this date tonight."

My eyes narrowed at him. "What?! I just ran like three stop signs at 40 mph to get here. I thought some crazed fan broke in and stabbed you and you were bleeding out on your living room floor!" 

He laughed, that annoying little laugh that always made my heart skip a beat. "You are so dramatic, Savvy." His hand resting on my shoulder, "And if they're a fan why would they hurt me?"

"Emphasis on the crazed, Rollins. 911 is for emergencies, not so I can help you get laid." I rolled my eyes, shrugging his touch away. My heart sinking at the thought. I used to not mind being his wing woman, helping him pick out the right outfit and putting in a good word for him with some chick at the bar but now...things were different. I was different. 

His brown eyes softened, that vulnerable side he only liked to show me peeking through. "I'm sorry I freaked you out...forgive me?" He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout and a smile tugged at the side of my mouth. I gave a reluctant nod, knowing I could never stay mad at him. "Good, but this really is important. This girl is special and I need to do something special for her."

I swallowed hard, this was the part I hated about being his best friend, it was my job to give him relationship advice. Which is very hard to do when all you want to say is "Date me, Moron!" but I couldn't because I was like a little sister to him and he was too important to lose. "Okay." Was all I could say, a tight smile on my face that he didn't seem to notice.

"Yes! So what would your dream date be?" I followed him into the kitchen, thinking about the question. 

"She's just gonna be excited to be on a date with Seth Freakin' Rollins, you could take her to a crack house and she'd say it was the best date of her life." 

He frowned, clearly not amused by me. Whatever, I think I'm funny. "I'm serious, Savannah." But so was I, Seth could take me anywhere and I'd die of happiness.

"Fine. Um," I thought about it harder, really diving into the girly part of myself. "My dream date, okay I got it, you know that big building on Sterling Drive? White, a little run down?" He nodded. "It has a parking lot that is always empty beside it. I think it would be really romantic if my date took me there--"

"Really? An empty parking lot for a first date? If someone ever does that, run! There is a 10 out of 10 chance you're about to be murdered." I smacked his arm and he laughed.

"Let me finish!" His laughter died down, his hand motioning for me to continue. "I think it would be the perfect place to bring a projector and play a movie on the building, our own little drive-in. Popcorn, laughter, it would be sweet and original." He completely stopped laughing, in fact it looked like he was thinking about it.

"That does sound nice... do you mind if I steal it?"

I opened my mouth to protest, I didn't want him using my dream date with him on another girl but I couldn't exactly profess my love for him either. "Of course not." I lied.        

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Everything was set up perfectly, exactly the way I imagined it. I stood beside him as he double checked everything an excited grin on his face. "Looks like you're all ready. I should go before she gets here." I sighed.

"Actually," He grabbed a hold of my wrist stopping me from walking away, I looked back to him, he wanted to say something it was clear as day. "Can you just stay a little longer?" I nodded, night fall was already starting. "Maybe we should test this, here get in." He rushed to the passengers side, pulling the door open for me to climb in.

"Um, okay..." He seemed really nervous, more nervous than I've ever seen him before a date. I climbed into the seat, giving a small smile of appreciation as he closed the door behind me. Rushing over to the driver's side, he slid in smoothly and hit the power button. The building lit up with my favorite movie and I smiled.

"I haven't exactly been honest today."

"What do you mean?" I asked Seth as I turned in my seat to face him better, he ran his hand through his hair, biting down on his bottom lip. 

"No one's coming." My eyebrows drew together in confusion, "This is for you, all of it." My breath hitched as I took in his words. "I'm not sure if you feel the same, I'm probably about to ruin everything, it's what I'm best at. But I couldn't go another day without at least trying... Do you think we could be more than friends?"

I stared at him blankly, this urge to pinch myself, I've had this dream plenty of times but this all felt too real. "Say something, please?" He begged.

"It's about time!" I chuckled, a lopsided smirk forming on his face. "I've been dreaming about this day for so long, that I'm not even sure this is real." He leaned forward suddenly, his lips on mine, my arms wrapped around his neck, digging into his hair. He pulled back resting his forehead on mine.

"This is definitely real."

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Not edited & written at midnight

so I'm sorry if there are any typos, I hope

you liked it! 

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