Secret rooms

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After Chara's appointments, Toriel went home to go make some pie. 

"If you'd like Chara dear, you can go play in the undergrounds…" Toriel said sweetly. "I know how much you never got to explore there, so since you've done a good job you can go. Please use the way we got out instead of falling in." 

"Kay Mom!" Chara said and ran off to the undergrounds. their arm throbed with pain, as they ran. They had to get their "New Body Shots" today. 

Chara ran into the back exit. But she noticed something a little different. There was a secret walkway, filled with Echo Flowers. 

I wonder if there's anything good in there… They thought smirking. They ran in and heard a passing conversation from a very, long time ago. 

"Urgh… D-dad this isn't… I can't…" A voice said. It sounded almost… familliar. 

It CAN'T be… Chara thought to themself. It almost sounds like Sans…But no. It's not is it? They moved to another flower and listened, trying to find a name. 

"Shh Sans… It's safe to turn here…" another voice said. This one they never heard. But wait… They listened again to the flower. 

"Shh Sans… It's safe to turn here…" the flower said again. 

IT IS THAT STUPID COMEDIAN!! Chara thought to theirself. They listened to the passing conversation. 


"Sans, calm down and breathe…Breathe…" 

"Grrgh… D-Dad…Please I…" there were sounds of bones breaking in this one. Chara smirked with glee. 

"I-I need p-pa-Papyrus…" more bones cracked as tearing fabric was heard. 

"Sans Papyrus is fine…He's at home asleep. "

"N-No I-I need to…" Sans in the conversation screamed in pain. Chara took out their phone and recorded this one when he screamed. 

Such good pain…  the thought. I wonder how this happened? 

"Sans! Sans listen to me… Papyrus is fine, your mother is fine… Nobody's hurt you haven't hurt anyone." 

Wait… What is happening to him anyways? 

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Echo flowers soon stopped echoing, every flower beyond that point was silemt. Until the very last one. 

"D-Dad… When will this dumb Gaster Blaster thing go away…?" 

Gaster Blaster, huh… Chara thought. Isn't that the thing he used to fry me like the potato he is? They texted Frisk to come home soon. 

It was late on the surface. Frisk told Papyrus that they needed to go, Chara needed them. Sans growled at Chara's name for what she did… 

"OH SANS…" Papyrus comfortef his brother. "SANS CAN YOU STAND? OR ARE YOU TOO TIRED YET…?" Sans stood up. His back taller than the barbed wire fence on the wooden fence. He hated it and layed back down.  

"SANS COME ON. NOBODY'LL SEE YOU!" Papyrus petted Sans, getting a purred growl in return. Frisk asked if Sans could jump over the fence. Sans thought about it but changed his mind. he tried telling that he wasn't strong enough to risk cutting his legs open. Bur he had another idea. 

"SANS WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING? " Papyrus asked as Sans stiid up again. His mouth glowed a blue aura, warning Papyrus sand Frisk to get back. Papyrus held Frisk and backed up. 

Sans blasted the fence into flames. He picked Papyrus and Frisk up by their shirts and ran. 

"SANS!!" Papyrus yelled clinging onto Sans' muzzle. "SANS YOU KNOW HOW I AM ABOUT HEIGHTS!!" 

Sans made a noise trying to mimic a "Yeah yeah" sound and put Frisk and Papyrus on his back. 

Papyrus clinged onto Sans' sharp vertebra for dear life as Frisk was having fun. Sans ran faster away making it home under 20 minutes. 

Sans helped Frisk and Papyrus down from his back and collasped. He was panting hard for air, tired from running that whole time. He curled up into a ball and growled. He was lucky this form didn't last very long, and he turned back to Sans. He had nothing on except fir torn, VERY torn peices of his sweatshirt. 

"MY POOR BROTHER…" Papyrus said.  He held Sans close to him taking him back upstairs. There was a knock on the door. 

"Papyrus? Sans? Are you awake yet?" Toriel said.

"O-OH…LADY ASGORE… I FORGOT THAT YOU WERE COMING TO GET FRISK."Papyrus said tucking Sans into bed. 

"Yes,  are they still awake?" Toriel said. Frisk passed out on the couch. Toriel sighed and picked them up. "Where is Sans?" 


"Oh dear. What happened?" 

"HE JUST UM…" Papyrus couldn't think of a lie. 

"Tramsformed?" Chara said smirking. 


Breaking Bones. (GB!Sans story) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now