I Pray for ISIS, but not how you think.

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ISIS is a nasty mark on the face of the ummah. It's an ugly, perverted way of looking at Islam, led by people who use the Qur'an as a political tool and manipulate young, uneducated Muslim men to interpret God's word in that way. So, because they are a part of the ummah, and this is something I must begrudgingly accept because I am not in a position to declare what is and isn't a true Muslim, I don't have to accept the leaders. I genuinely believe the leaders aren't really Muslims, but khaffir in disguise. 

Here is my prayer for ISIS.

God, please show the young, uneducated men in ISIS the way to your righteous path. They have strayed so very far from the ummah, and from you. Please shine a light unto them to bring them back to us. Let them learn to love fellow Muslims as you instructed this ummah to love its members, and let their faith in you strengthen. Let their faith in you plant a seed of love and tolerance for not just fellow Muslims but the world at large in their hearts, and let that seed grow into a strong tree that will not sway in the winds of sick, sick men who wish to whisper doubt and hatred into their ears. Alhamdullilah, Ameen.

Insha'allah, these men will abandon the leaders of this insane, awful group and rejoin the ummah. If they do, let's be firm in our condemnation for their past actions, but willing to accept them as help in our fight to rid our ummah of bad people using Islam as a tool.

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