
"Ralph, wake up." Jack panicked, gently pushing at the boy's shoulders. Ralph woke with a start, jumping away from Jack. He was shaking with fear. "Hey, are you okay?" Jack reached for him, but drew his hand back when Ralph winced.

"S-sorry." Ralph said, trying to keep himself calm. "I had a bad dream but I'm okay now." Jack nodded his head, skepticism written on his features. Ralph handed Jack his coat and they quietly exited the bus. Ralph held his books tightly to his chest as they walked through the over crowded hallways of the high school. Psychology was on the first floor, near the cafeteria, making Ralph a little happier. Ralph didn't want to talk to Jack after having that dream, but he didn't want to just leave him. It didn't make him a good friend, at least that's what he thought.

"Ralph, are you sure you're alright?" Jack asked, placing a hand on Ralph's shoulder. Ralph awkwardly shuffled away, nodding his head. This made Jack's chest ache. He knew something was up with the boy, but he didn't want to push him too much in case he decided he didn't want to be Jack's friend anymore.

But were they friends after they'd kissed?

Ralph put his head in his hands. He thought about telling Jack his dream, but he didn't want to drone on about how scared he was on the island. It seemed that Jack had gotten over it, so he thought that it was in his best interest to get over it aswell.

The psychology teacher droned on during the lesson, encouraging the students to take notes because most of the material "would be on the test". This made Ralph and Jack groan. They, like any other student, despised tests. They knew what they were talking about, they participated in class, they even got high nineties on their projects. To them, they didn't think that a test would be necessary.


"Ralph, you can either pay attention or leave." Mr. Jackson, one of the three history teachers in the high school, snapped harshly at the fair boy. Ralph stared at the older man with wide eyes. He usually was one to pay attention during history, but he could hardly keep his eyes open long enough to finish writing his name on their worksheet.

"S-sorry, sir." He stuttered out quietly. He looked up at the clock and was happy to see only five minutes left of this class and he could leave the school. He had already phoned his aunt, informing her that he would be at Jack's house until eight o'clock. He planned on taking a nap once he'd got there, but he was sure that he'd end up having a nap on the bus as well.

The ring of the last bell made Ralph snap his head up. He had hardly done anything but drift off all period, so he had to do the worksheet for homework that night. He didn't mind though because he knew that he would be up anyways.

Ralph greeted Jack on the bus, the boys sitting in their usual seat at the back of the bus.

"I need a nap." Jack sighed, rubbing one of his eyes.

"Me too." Ralph yawned, resting his head on Jack's shoulder. Jack wrapped an arm around Ralph and leaned his head on top of the smaller boy. They were going to be one of the first stops, but they still had a few minutes before the driver called for Jack's stop.

"Is your dad going to be home?" Ralph whispered. Jack shook his head. Jack knew how afraid Ralph was of his father, so he always invited Ralph over when his dad wasn't going to be home for a while. He didn't like seeing Ralph afraid; it broke his heart.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked. Ralph nodded his head and yawned again. Jack laced their fingers together and looked out the window at the rain. He liked this kind of weather because it reminded him of his home country. It reminded him of his grandmother's warm cookies and treats from when he was younger.

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