Part Five (END)

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6 months later

Will walks over to me, albeit with a limp, and kisses my cheek. That sentence itself would've been impossible a year ago.

"What do you say I take you out for dinner tonight, Clark? Have a nice stroll afterwards?" he proposes, giving me a devilish smirk.

I wiggle my eyebrow. "Really? The world renowned Will Traynor wants to take me out for a bite to eat?"

"I do believe that's what I said," he laughs, slipping an arm around my waist.

His grip is loose, given he's still not using full function of his arms and given his prognosis, probably never will. That doesn't bother me.

Never really has.

"So what do you say, Clark? You up for it? I know you'd much rather be at your mum's place with Trina, yelling at her about this and that..." he trails off, waiting for me to accept his offer.

"Of course I'm up for it, Will." My grin stretches across my face.

Maybe I'm too happy. Maybe this is a fairytale that's too good to be true.

Should I tone down the smile that appears on my lips every time I see Will take a step forward or pick up a pencil?

Perhaps I could stop wearing the striped tights Will made me for my birthday?

Stop being so irrational, Louisa, I scold myself in my head. You deserve to be happy. You can't sit around waiting for the next tragedy to happen.

"Good, I'll pick you up at seven," Will says, letting me go and turning around to walk out the door, trying his hardest not to trip on the way out.

"Oh wait, I forgot, you live here now," he giggles, and leaves.

Will always reminds me of it. I live here now.

I have assumed the position as girlfriend in the Traynor household. No more cleaning and care taking for me, Will can do much of it by himself.

Not that I don't still help him with things. Maybe that's why Camila was so happy when I moved in.

My idea is that she just thinks Will's happier when I'm around. That part may be true.

I hope it is.


Seven PM sharp. That's when all the best restaurants open around town, if they're good and not like the run down, old pub Patrick used to take me to after meets.

The time is 6:58. I've been adjusting the way this dress fits, contemplating changing into the only "fancy" dress I have. I wore it once during a wedding.

I look at what I'm wearing. Purple polka dots pepper the otherwise white dress. Just then there's a knock on the door.

Will stands, wearing the same suit he wore for the concert. That damn suit. And but of course, I'm underdressed.

"You look..." Will shakes his head, and I can't tell whether he's marveled or about to burst into laughter. A bit of both?

"Is this alright? I didn't know you were going to be so dressed up," I grimace, biting my cheek, and Will smiles. "Of course it's fine. Wouldn't have it any other way."

He's genuine. I take one last look before joining him, and he takes my arm in his.
"Shall we?"

"We shall."


"Will, I cannot believe you brought me here." My eyes flicker from the lights on the ceilings, the flowers on every table, even to the waiters with their quirky little bow ties.

"What can I say? I'm a man of... elegance?" he suggests. I snicker, and he follows suit.

For most of when I've known him, Will Traynor has been anything but formal.

"I wouldn't believe that in a million years."

"A million years with you would be too little," he responds almost immediately and I furrow my eyebrows.

"How sweet of you," I reply, confused by the sudden outburst.

"I mean it." My face softens.

"You know, I finally get the saying about loving someone till the day you die," Will starts.

"Will..." Not this again. I hate it when he talks about Switzerland.

"Back in Switzerland-"

"I don't want to talk about this," I shut my eyes, trying to tune out his voice.

"No, Clark. Just- listen," he cuts me off. I don't try to speak again. "Look at me."

I tilt my head up.

"Back in Switzerland, I really thought I was going to die. And I wanted to. I did. When you showed up, and you sat with me...You spoke with me. I realized that, if those past 6 months would've been my last, I would've been... so happy."

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"I'm saying, remember a while back when Alicia and Rupert invited us over and I kind of told them we were engaged?"

"How could I forget?" I mumble, having a faint idea of where Will was headed. I remain cautious as Will sits forward in his seat.

"What would you say if I told you we could do that for real this time?"

"I'd tell you you were crazy," I fumble, grasping for words. "You're crazy," I sputter. My mouth says one thing but Will sees the corner of my mouth lifting, indicating happiness.

"I'd say I'm crazy too. And so are you. So even though forever isn't enough with you, let's start with the rest of my life, Clark." Will gets out of his chair and gets on one knee.

He then sits back in his chair.
"Never mind, that hurt my knees too much." I laugh in hysteria, needing something to do.


"Louisa Clark, will you marry me?"

Time stops.
I remember the first time I met Will, the time I had to shave his beard or watch movies in French with him. When he'd kick me out on an off day and when I nearly killed him.

"If you would've asked me a year ago, I would've said yes," I say, and Will frowns mildly.

"And now, I'm still saying yes, Will."
He looks surprised.

"Wait, that's a yes?" He reaffirmed. I laugh again and nod.

"Yes, Will, that's a yes!"

Will leans across the table, spilling a wine glass on the cloth and wrapping his arms around me.

I always knew I wanted my father to walk my down the aisle.

It gives me great joy to think that if I ever have a daughter of my own, Will'll be able to do the same for her. With his own two feet.

The end. Lol.
After months of losing interest in this story, I powered through and wrote the final part. Sorry if you were expecting more. I'll write an epilogue maybe? If anybody still reads this story?

Thankkkkk you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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